
It has been over a month since the end of Ramadan and gears are shifting towards Hajj HajjandHijama(Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah), Alhumdulillah. There is only about month remaining to Zil Hajj. I am sure all of the brothers and sisters who are traveling to perform Hajj this year, are getting ready for their travels by getting their Visa and ticket sorted, doing shopping for the essentials and even taking Hajj classes to learn the arkaan to perform Hajj. But do you think any of them are preparing by getting their bodies ready to go through the physically demanding rituals of Hajj?
I highly doubt it. In our Muslim society, physical health is not given the importance that it deserves. Without physical health, we are not able to do justice to our daily responsibilities and perform to our optimum level. Let alone if we are going to perform Hajj, where you have to walk a lot, pray extra salah (prayers) and stay up at night to benefit spiritually. These all require optimal physical health.
HijamaPainReliefThere are so many people who have ailments like Diabetes, blood pressure and heart problems and pains like migraines, backaches, knee pain and arthritis of which all of these problems will affect our experience of performing Hajj. So how can you get ready for Hajj physically, with less than a month to go?
Hijama Cupping Therapy is a powerful detox and means of cleansing our bodies. It is a Sunnah and was practiced by our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is the best and quickest way to experience relief from most of the ailments and problems mentioned above such as blood pressure, migraines, back, neck, knee and arthritis pain. Some the problems will be taken care of after only one treatment. Others will relieve you from some of the major symptoms caused by the above mentioned long term ailments, such as diabetes and heart condition.

If you get the opportunity before going to Hajj, you can get 2-3 treatments on weekly basis. If you are not able to get it done before you leave for the Hajj, you can try to get it done in Makkah, before Hajj, so you can perform better and be able to focus on your ebadah (worship) without any distraction.

Now that I have shared with you the importance of Hijama to quickly help you with your health, I know you would want to get the Hijama performed on you. For those of you who are ready to take action on my advice, you would have do a local search for a Hijama practitioner, either on google or in your local masjid or the community centre as well as you can visit http://www.hijamadirectory.info to find the list of practitioners. We are not sure if they are all qualified practitioners or not but at least you have someone to get Hijama from insha Allah.

Sadly, we don’t have many practitioners to meet the growing need to perform Hijama. That is why, we are always encouraging our community members to get qualified in the skill of Hijama and help people relieve their pain and revive this forgotten sunnah.

If any of you are interested in becoming a qualified Hijama Practitioner, you can visit our Online Hijama Diploma Course page.

Please keep us in your dua and leave your comments and feedback about this article below the article.

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Adeela Aaiesha (CHP)

HN Team.

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