
Hijama Points For Back pain.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from back pain? Is your lower abdomen swollen? Does your pain keep coming back? Walking or light exercise is not helping you get rid of stiff hip joints? Has the skin around your lower back or hip area changed colour? Have you fallen or injured yourself? Are you in pain when […]

Ramadan Preparations and Hijama Cupping.

Assalamualaikum, What’s your goals for Ramadan this year… .5 time salah .Taraweeh .Qayyam ul lail .Going to masjid regularly .Recitation of Quran .Inviting others for iftar and suhoor etc

Hijama Treatment Plan For Cellulitis.

Assalamulaiakum, Are you suffering from fever with chills and sweating? Do you feel pain and tenderness in the affected area? Are you fatigued and low at energy? Do you have red, sore patches that are spreading? Did your skin rash start all of a sudden and grew quickly in the first 24 hours? Is your […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Skeletal Issues.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from bone or joint pain? Do you feel any change in your bone’s shape? Are you suffering from a shooting pain that travels along or across the body? Do you feel a tingling sensation in a particular body joint? Are any of your joints numb? Do you feel you are losing […]

Benefits of Hijama Cupping Before and After Hajj.

Assalamualaikum, Once Ramadan is over, gears are shifted towards Hajj (Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah), Alhumdulillah. Hajis prepare themselves for Hajj in different ways. I am sure all of the brothers and sisters who were traveling to perform Hajj this year, got ready for their travels by getting their Visa and ticket sorted, doing shopping for the […]

I chose Hijama over Steroids For My Son. (Hijama Treatment Plan For Breathing Difficulties)

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? Do you have symptoms of cardiovascular diseases? Are you facing cold, bronchitis, pneumonia or COVID-19? Does your breathing becomes short and disrupted? Is your chest very tight and you become breathless? Do you get weazy while running, exercising or going upstairs? These might be symptoms […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Severe Backache.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from back pain? Is this pain associated with a slipped disc? Do you think your sciatic nerve is trapped? Are you unable to do stretches or walk on your own? Are you losing weight because of being in constant pain? Does the pain get worse while sneezing or coughing? These might […]

My Podcast Interview With Muslim View Point.

Assalaamualaykum, Check out my new podcast interview on MUSLIM VIEW POINT; a branch of the mega online magazine: American Muslim Today. They recently contacted me and asked me to share the journey of Hijama Nation, what we do, how and why. They also asked about how Muslimahs’ are being empowered spiritually and financially by learning and […]

Interview With American Muslim Today Magazine.

Assalaamualaykum, Great news! We were recently invited to have an interview with American Muslim Today; a US based online news magazine. Alhumdulillah, it’s an honour to be recognized by international organizations. With12 years of experience, knowledge and leadership in the field of holistic therapies, Prophetic medicine, online learning and female empowerment, we are considered the world […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Hot Flashes.

Assalamualaikum, Are you having rapid heartbeats? Do you have a feeling of anxiety? Does a sudden feeling of warmth spread across your body? Are you suffering from a urinary urgency? Do you suffer from a flushed blotchy appearance? Are you unable to sleep because of being heated up and uneasiness? These might be symptoms of […]