
Hijama For Hepatitis Treatment

Here is a detailed case study by one of our students who treated his client for Hapatitis (B) with Hijama. We have to cure him by doing hijama points for liver.”After I had found my 6 case studies and was several weeks into their treatments, another person approached me for treatment‎ as word had gotten […]

Hajj and Hijama

Asslaamoalaykum, It has been over a month since the end of Ramadan and gears are shifting towards Hajj (Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah), Alhumdulillah. There is only about month remaining to Zil Hajj. I am sure all of the brothers and sisters who are traveling to perform Hajj this year, are getting ready for their travels […]

What does an Acupuncturist say about Hijama?

Hijama by Mohammed Almasri, An Aucupuncturist httpv://youtu.be/JPV-4fnCpZ0 This video is by one of our Hijama Certification graduate students. Br. Mohammed is from New Zealand. He is a Chinese Medical Practitioner for  the last 7 years. He is another prime example of how the long distance training works for this Hijama Course. Br. Mohammed used to perform Chinese Cupping […]