
How Hijama Helps you Get Healthy?

One of our subscribers is Medical Nurse. She emailed me a few days ago and asked “How can Hijama cure so many different disease by removing only a small amount of blood from your body”?  I think that even though it is a very basic question, it is very important to understand. I have explained this […]

Hijama For Hepatitis Treatment

Here is a detailed case study by one of our students who treated his client for Hapatitis (B) with Hijama. We have to cure him by doing hijama points for liver.”After I had found my 6 case studies and was several weeks into their treatments, another person approached me for treatment‎ as word had gotten […]

Hajj and Hijama

Asslaamoalaykum, It has been over a month since the end of Ramadan and gears are shifting towards Hajj (Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah), Alhumdulillah. There is only about month remaining to Zil Hajj. I am sure all of the brothers and sisters who are traveling to perform Hajj this year, are getting ready for their travels […]

Hijama For Cancer

One of our students is treating her mother for Cancer, using Hijama with the combination of other Natural remedies, may Allah give her shifa. You might say, Hijama and cancer? Can Hijama cure cancer?Well the fact is that…Cancer is such a scary monster out there, just because people are not knowledgeable about it. Modern medicine […]

Hijama For Tuberculosis (TB)

Here is the story of one of our new students from Pakistan. She decided to take our course after she got cleared of Tuberculosis (TB) using Hijama. Please leave your feedback in the comments area. Background: I am a 24 year old female from Karachi, Pakistan and I have recently done my high school degree […]

What does an Acupuncturist say about Hijama?

Hijama by Mohammed Almasri, An Aucupuncturist httpv://youtu.be/JPV-4fnCpZ0 This video is by one of our Hijama Certification graduate students. Br. Mohammed is from New Zealand. He is a Chinese Medical Practitioner for  the last 7 years. He is another prime example of how the long distance training works for this Hijama Course. Br. Mohammed used to perform Chinese Cupping […]