
Hijama Points For Back pain.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from back pain? Is your lower abdomen swollen? Does your pain keep coming back? Walking or light exercise is not helping you get rid of stiff hip joints? Has the skin around your lower back or hip area changed colour? Have you fallen or injured yourself? Are you in pain when […]

Ramadan Preparations and Hijama Cupping.

Assalamualaikum, What’s your goals for Ramadan this year… .5 time salah .Taraweeh .Qayyam ul lail .Going to masjid regularly .Recitation of Quran .Inviting others for iftar and suhoor etc

Hijama Treatment Plan For Cellulitis.

Assalamulaiakum, Are you suffering from fever with chills and sweating? Do you feel pain and tenderness in the affected area? Are you fatigued and low at energy? Do you have red, sore patches that are spreading? Did your skin rash start all of a sudden and grew quickly in the first 24 hours? Is your […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Assalamualaikum, Do you feel weakness while gripping objects in one or both hands? Are your fingers numb? Do you feel “pins and needles” in your fingers? Is your arm, hand or fingers swollen? Do you have a burning or tingling sensation in fingers, especially your thumb, index and middle finger? Don’t ignore these symptoms. This […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Amenorrhea.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from pelvic pain? Have you skipped your periods for more than three months without any medical reason? Are you having skin issues like acne recently?  Have you noticed excessive hair growth on your face? Are you experiencing hair loss? Do you have occasional headaches? These might be symptoms of Amenorrhea. Get […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Oedema.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from tender aching limbs? Do you feel stiffness in your joints? Are you gaining weight more than required? Has your skin started to discolour on your legs, feet or ankles? Are you having problems related to kidneys, heart or liver? These might be symptoms of Edema or Oedema. Hijama Cupping Therapy […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Skeletal Issues.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from bone or joint pain? Do you feel any change in your bone’s shape? Are you suffering from a shooting pain that travels along or across the body? Do you feel a tingling sensation in a particular body joint? Are any of your joints numb? Do you feel you are losing […]

Benefits of Hijama Cupping Before and After Hajj.

Assalamualaikum, Once Ramadan is over, gears are shifted towards Hajj (Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah), Alhumdulillah. Hajis prepare themselves for Hajj in different ways. I am sure all of the brothers and sisters who were traveling to perform Hajj this year, got ready for their travels by getting their Visa and ticket sorted, doing shopping for the […]

I chose Hijama over Steroids For My Son. (Hijama Treatment Plan For Breathing Difficulties)

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? Do you have symptoms of cardiovascular diseases? Are you facing cold, bronchitis, pneumonia or COVID-19? Does your breathing becomes short and disrupted? Is your chest very tight and you become breathless? Do you get weazy while running, exercising or going upstairs? These might be symptoms […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Diabetes.

Assalamualaikum, Do you feel more thirsty? Are you passing more urine? Do you have cuts or ulcers that are taking longer to heal? Are your hands and feet getting numb? Is your vision getting blurred? Are you experiencing weight loss? Do you feel more fatigued? Is your skin getting more dry than usual? These might […]