

Do you feel more thirsty?

Are you passing more urine?

Do you have cuts or ulcers that are taking longer to heal?

Are your hands and feet getting numb?

Is your vision getting blurred?

Are you experiencing weight loss?

Do you feel more fatigued?

Is your skin getting more dry than usual?

These might be symptoms of Diabetes.

Consult your GP and get diagnosed.

Consult a Certified Hijama Practitioner and book a Hijama session earliest possible.

Diabetes is usually a long term/life-long medical condition that causes a person’s blood glucose (sugar) level to become too high.

The hormone insulin – produced by the pancreas – is responsible for controlling the amount of glucose in the blood

There are two main types of diabetes:

Another type of diabetes, known as gestational diabetes, occurs in some pregnant women and tends to disappear after birth.

Diabetes can cause serious long-term health problems. It’s the most common cause of vision loss and blindness in people of working age.

Everyone with diabetes aged 12 or over should be invited to have their eyes screened once a year for diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetes is also responsible for most cases of kidney failure and lower limb amputation.

Over time, high blood glucose levels can damage the body’s organs. Possible long-term effects include damage to large (macrovascular) and small (microvascular) blood vessels, which can lead to heart attack, stroke, and problems with the kidneys, eyes, gums, feet and nerves.

What Are The Causes Of Diabetes?

Hijama Cupping Therapy can help get rid of root causes of Diabetes. Hijama Cupping can help by detoxing the body and blood by reducing the toxic accumulated waste in the body and improving blood circulation. 

Hijama also assists in cleansing the blood and cells, resolving stagnation and blood stasis in the body.

Hijama Nation would recommend to take full medical history of the client before designing a Hijama Treatment Plan for a Diabetic client.

Incisions should be shallow and too many cups should not be done in one go. If clients’ sugar levels are high, do not perform incisions with a blade, rather use a diabetic needle.

Hijama Nation has designed the following Hijama points for treating a Diabetic client but each client is unique and their treatment plan has to be decided accordingly.

Along with regular Hijama sessions, it is important to maintain a healthy diet that is high in dietary fibre and nutritious food and maintain an active lifestyle.

Diet plays an important role in controlling diabetes and avoiding its complexities. 

A diabetic person should eat healthy items from each food group in a balanced manner. Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, peas, corn, potatoes. Fruits like melons, berries, apples, and bananas. Low-fat dairy products like yogurt. 

Protein in the form of lean meat, dried beans, chickpeas and Tofu can be consumed as a meat substitute. 

People suffering from Diabetes should avoid fried foods with high trans and saturated fat, food items with high salt, sweetened beverages and drinks.

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Sr Adeela Aaiesha (CHP)

Hijama Coach.

6 Responses

  1. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu would like treatment Hijama for type 2 diabetic Inshaa Allah

  2. I’ve been doing Hijama for people more than 16 years and I learn a lot of things and I see a lot of cure with Hijama thx Allah

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