
Hijama Treatment Plan For Diabetes.

Assalamualaikum, Do you feel more thirsty? Are you passing more urine? Do you have cuts or ulcers that are taking longer to heal? Are your hands and feet getting numb? Is your vision getting blurred? Are you experiencing weight loss? Do you feel more fatigued? Is your skin getting more dry than usual? These might […]

Hijama helping lower Diabetes medication and ease back pain

The following is a case study from one of our recently enrolled students. Her patient was a 46 year old lady with diabetes and back pain. She did not regularly exercise. Her diet mainly consisted of oily fried food, high in protein and carbohydrates. She drank little water and more diet soda or juice. Her […]

Happy Sheikh after Hijama for Diabetes!

Alhumdulillah, yet another successful case study from one of Certified Graduates in Australia. She treated her patient for Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol and numbness and tingling in his hands. She had very positive results and shared them with us.   NAME: Hussein Abu Gharib          Age: 49yr old Male     […]