
The following is a case study from one of our recently enrolled students. Her patient was a 46 year old lady with diabetes and back pain. She did not regularly exercise. Her diet mainly consisted of oily fried food, high in protein and carbohydrates. She drank little water and more diet soda or juice. Her main activity was the household chores. At first the patient was hesitant in having Hijama treatment. Below is how she was motivated to take control of her health.


Her treatment consisted of Hijama on the Sunnah points and areas of pain. She was encouraged to eat healthier food, increase water intake and to go for regular walks. She started with 10 minutes a day and slowly increased in walking time. During her Hijama treatment she had a full detox of the blood with lymphatic drainage.


By the second Hijama session she reported her sugar level became lower than before. Also she mentioned how her level of pain and discomfort was decreasing and how much she enjoyed Hijama throughout as before she was hesistant towards getting treatment. After the next session the patients pain in the lower back had reduced and she felt she had more energy. Her sugar level was still lower and she was willing to talk to her doctor for reducing her dose of medication. If you are wondering, yes, the doctor did reduce the dosage of her medication. Her medication was reduced from 30g-20mg Alhamdulilah.
diabetes 2
By the next session she informed me she is walking for 25 minutes every day compared to before where would she would walk for 10 minutes, she had lost 4lb, this was very pleasing.  She said she is happy with her new diet and lifestyle choices. She doesn’t buy soda or juices anymore. She walks often and started to do light exercises at home. The patient was very grateful to Allah SWT for Hijama and aspires to become a Hijama therapist someday.

Diabetes 3

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If you would like to learn the amazing treatment of Hijama and help others live a fuller life, please email us at info@HijamaNation.com

6 Responses

  1. assalamu alaikum
    hi am rabbani from dubai ,39 years old diabetic for the last fifteen years and having coronary arteric block which cleared by angioplasty .
    my weight is 85 kgs and height 5.9 cm
    please suggest me about hijama
    my sugar level was pretty high 250 t0 300
    i like to do hijama any hijama center in dubai
    please let me know

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