
Here is a detailed case study by one of our students who treated his client for Hapatitis (B) with Hijama. We have to cure him by doing hijama points for liver.“After I had found my 6 case studies and was several weeks into their treatments, another person approached me for treatment‎ as word had gotten around that there is a hijama practitioner in Oxford. 
 He had invited me to his workplace one afternoon to talk about the possibility of having treatment. At first, I was reluctant to do it as I was already meeting the minimum required number‎ of hours to record case studies.
 But as I talked to him, I knew there was no way I could turn him down. His illness was hijama points for liverHepatitis B and I was intrigued by what effect hijama would have on this illness.‎ I had to explain that I wasn’t a graduate, but I had learned a great deal from the school I was studying with. He was happy with that (as the recommendation came from the Parkinson’s Disease client I had written about in a previous post), so I booked him in for his consultation and initial treatment.
The Problem:

The consultation revealed a lot about his condition. Due to a busy work schedule, his food intake was mainly takeaways and fast food as he would have no energy to cook for himself.
 After a period of only eating very unhealthy foods, his body would react negatively and he would feel very unwell. Further blood tests would prove that the Hepatitis B virus count in his blood is high.
 That would be enough to trigger a visit to his homeland to have a hijama session. He always felt the benefits of the hijama and when he felt better, he would return to the UK and carry on as normal.
 Unfortunately, we all know (and I’m sure we can all relate), ‎that when we feel better, we might be prone to becoming lazy again after a while. So the healthy lifestyle slowly withers away and junk food, fast food, lack of exercise and lack of attention to your body internally all manage to creep back into your lifestyle.
 This is exactly what happened to my client. It was like a cycle and every time he started to feel worse, he would book time off work and a (quite expensive) ticket back to his home country to have hijama performed on him. This is how he dealt with his Hepatitis B for many years. Others rely on drugs.
 So you can imagine how pleased he was when he discovered a hijama practitioner in his locality! No more expensive plane tickets and no more taking extended periods of time off work.
Initial Tests: 
Prior to my first meeting with him, he had just completed a blood test which showed he had a reduced white blood cell count. Tests on his liver show that the level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was at 140 IU/L. A severe case would be greater than 200 IU/L, while a mild to moderate level would range between 40 and 200 IU/L. Therefore, a normal range would be below 30 IU/L for men and below 19 IU/L for women.
 So you can see that he was encroaching onto the severe range, which explained his symptoms and (lack of) quality of life.
First Session: 
The initial consultation consisted of mainly advice regarding his diet and lifestyle, which I explained would have a great effect on his illness. For him, it meant reducing his stress levels by working less hours, cutting out all the fast food from his diet and thinking twice about being lazy when it was time to eat! I did have enough time to do a few points on the kahil area after performing moving cupping on his back. Then I booked him in for another session the following week.
 Please remember that if you’re going to perform hijama on someone with Hepatitis, you should double up your gloves (or triple to be extra safe), wear a mask and goggles and make sure‎ that your equipment is cleaned thoroughly afterwards.
Second Session: 
For the second session, I performed hijama on his head, neck and chest (point 120). Initially, he felt insecure about having marks on his head, but after a little education about the benefits, he happily agreed…to buy a hat and wear it for a week after treatment!
 My client also informed me that he was awaiting a specialist drug which his doctor had ordered which had to be imported (as it is not available in the UK due to the price). He was due to meet his doctor again for another blood test before his third hijama appointment.
Third Session:
 In the third session, my client informed me that he had received the drug that the doctor ordered and he showed me the document which outlines all the ‎side effects. There were many side effects to the drug; so many, that my client refused to take them and he decided to put all his trust in Hijama. He had also informed his doctor that he was having Hijama treatment, to which the doctor responded negatively and explained that there is no proof that hijama brings any health benefits. The response given by my client: I will take what is recommended from my Creator over what you can offer which includes so many side effects. My client also explained to the doctor that he felt a lot better after just 2 treatments of Hijama. So in the end, my client refused to take the medication, but instead concentrated on making changes to his lifestyle instead, along with having regular hijama treatments.
Tests After Hijama:
 Despite what his doctor claimed, ‎when the results of the blood test came back, the AST level had gone down to 70 IU/L. This is half of what it was before Hijama treatment! It showed he was well on his way to recovery; he just had to break past the 30 IU/L into the ‘normal’ level.
 In the third session, I did the points on his lower back (including around the liver and point 124), his legs and feet. NB: this client was very used to hijama and was able to handle many points during one session. Not all people are like that, so constant communication during the session about how your client feels is extremely important.
Fourth Session:
 In the fourth session, which I had scheduled 2 weeks apart from the third session was the most interesting. I performed hijama along his spine from point 1 to point 11 (to focus on gland points); all the cups were put close together. There was probably more blood flow in this session than all previous three sessions combined. We were both surprised at the amount of thick dark blood that came out. Some points filled up quickly so the cups had to be emptied a few times.
 The client felt so much relief after this session and I could see that he looked a lot more healthier and relaxed than when I had first met him.
Tests After Session 4: 
After the fourth session, another blood test revealed that the AST level had now dropped to 54 IU/L which is now much closer to the target of ‎30 IU/L or less.
Fifth Session:
 The fifth session (again 2 weeks apart) involved putting a line of cups from point 46 to 10 and from 45 to 9. Similar to the 8 point deep cleanse that we learn about in Unit 5 (but extra cups).
Hijama Treatment Results: 
My client revealed that the constant headaches that ‎irritated him for so long had disappeared a couple of weeks ago and hadn’t returned. Alhamdulillah! This sign, along with how lively he felt progressively after each session showed me that hijama has been a major benefit for him.
 He put all his trust in Allah, knowing that shifa comes from Him alone. But he also put in the effort himself to become better. Every week, he would show his commitment to hijama by explaining to ‎me how his diet has changed. He stopped eating junk food, stopped all the takeaways and late night kebabs and he doesn’t even use a microwave anymore. 
 He did his own research into liver failure and how to prevent it and found that turmeric helps, so he added that spice to his cooking. He also started to consume a lot more dates, vegetables and fruits and I believe that without his cooperation and dedication, he would never have progressed so quickly.
 My client continues to book in regular treatments, although the next one is booked a month apart from his previous one. He is committed to having treatments until he overcomes his illness and I make dua that this day comes soon.”
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2 Responses

  1. I have hepatitis B I know this when I want to donate blood and I have done I hijama once I don’t some test later for other sickness they didn’t tell I have hepatitis B, I always feel some back pain and stomach pain and chest pain too

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