
Hijama Points For Thyroid.

Assalamualaikum, Are your nails and hair becoming brittle? Do you feel tired for no reason? Are you sensitive to cold weather? Have you gained weight recently? Are your movements and thoughts becoming slow? Can you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers and hands? These might be symptoms of Thyroid. Do not ignore these! Consult […]

Hijama Treatment Plan To Get Rid Of Painful Trigger Points.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from severe throbbing pain in your body? Do you want to soothe your muscles? Are your painful muscular knots giving you sleepless nights and tiresome days? Are you tired of taking medications for tension headaches? Are you or a dear one a patient of fibromyalgia? Is myofascial pain getting uncontrollable? These […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Hip And Pelvic Pain.

Assalamualaikum, Hope you are all well.  We will soon be announcing our Eid Sale on our Hijama Diploma Certification course. So you can join now with minimal financial burden. Hijama Nation is always working hard to provide you with an excellent offer once again. It’s going to be at a mammoth discount with fabulous bonuses […]

Why Become a Hijama Practitioner?

Asslaamoalaykum, Sadly, there are so many people sick in the world and more and more people are getting sicker every day. Is modern medicine helping? Not really! They give you a pill to cover up the symptoms but the disease keeps increasing and the amount of pills keeps increasing. So what is the solution? Hijama […]

Meet Our HNA Students!

HIJAMA NATION Students share their experiences with us about why they decided to become a Hijama Practitioner and why they chose Hijama Nation. They also tell us about studying the HNA Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy. To enrol on the course, click here.   This is Sr Arshiya from East London. She is […]

How Hijama can help lose weight

Do you struggle to lose weight? The following is a case study from one of our recent Graduates; Dr Asma from Lahore, Pakistan. Her patient; NM is a 20 years old female who suffers from obesity and painful menstruation. NM weighs 174 lbs and a height of 5 ft 2”, with a of  BMI 31 […]

Is money bad?

Asslaamoalaykum Dear Brothers and Sisters, This message is quite a sensitive topic in the Muslim community and especially in the Hijama community. This article is bit controversial as it talks about the importance of money in general and in our case, as a Hijama practitioner in specific. There are some ahadith that talk about not […]

Happy Sheikh after Hijama for Diabetes!

Alhumdulillah, yet another successful case study from one of Certified Graduates in Australia. She treated her patient for Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol and numbness and tingling in his hands. She had very positive results and shared them with us.   NAME: Hussein Abu Gharib          Age: 49yr old Male     […]