
Medical Benefits of Islamic Fasting!

Assalamualaikum, Here is a short presentation by one of our students, Dr. Asma, about the medical benefits of Islamic Fasting. This presentation will help you understand how every thing Allah asks us to do, there is a huge benefit in it. I hope you benefitted from this presentation. Please share it with your friends and […]

Is money bad?

Asslaamoalaykum Dear Brothers and Sisters, This message is quite a sensitive topic in the Muslim community and especially in the Hijama community. This article is bit controversial as it talks about the importance of money in general and in our case, as a Hijama practitioner in specific. There are some ahadith that talk about not […]

Hijama for Asthma – A Case Study

This is a case study by one of our students from East London, UK Note: Hijama Nation respect their students and their patients’ privacy so we are not declaring any of the names. These are real case studies which have been submitted by our students. The patient’s name is G.A, a female, aged 37. She […]

Hijama for High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol: A Case Study

Note: Hijama Nation respect their students and their patients’ privacy so we are not declaring any of the names. These are real case studies which have been submitted by our students.                                                            Hijama Practitioner Location: Walthamstow, East London UK.                                                                                                                                                                   Br. A.R’s main illness is high cholesterol and high blood pressure (intermittent). He is on medication […]

Hijama for Back and Neck Pain: A Case Study

This is a Case Study from one of Hijama Nation’s Student. This student is from Makkah, KSA and is a Radiation Therapist. Note: Hijama Nation respect their students and their patients’ privacy so we are not declaring any of the names. These are real case studies which have been submitted by our students.      […]

What does an Acupuncturist say about Hijama?

Hijama by Mohammed Almasri, An Aucupuncturist httpv://youtu.be/JPV-4fnCpZ0 This video is by one of our Hijama Certification graduate students. Br. Mohammed is from New Zealand. He is a Chinese Medical Practitioner for  the last 7 years. He is another prime example of how the long distance training works for this Hijama Course. Br. Mohammed used to perform Chinese Cupping […]

Hijama Courses – Student Practical Training Day, London, Sept 2012.

httpv://youtu.be/NYjBddnuVSg Aslamulaykum! We are proud to present some testimonials given by current students who attended the Practical Training Day in  East London, Sept 2012. The event was  a great success and students benefitted greatly from the Theory and Practical knowledge which was presented. Students gained real, hands on experience of both Dry and Wet Cupping, Alhumdulillah. […]

Special Gift!

Aslamulaykum! In celebration of our new London, UK office, we are giving you a special gift. Our courses will be 50% off for the February 2012 student intake, inshallah. Offer ends on: January 31st 2012. Course start date: Mon 6th Feb 2012 Why should you take these courses? To revive the forgotten sunnah of Hijama To […]