

We are proud to present some testimonials given by current students who attended the Practical Training Day in  East London, Sept 2012.
The event was  a great success and students benefitted greatly from the Theory and Practical knowledge which was presented. Students gained real, hands on experience of both Dry and Wet Cupping, Alhumdulillah.
Many students came from all over UK, including Scotland, Leicester, Worcester, Birmingham, London and Essex as well as Norway.
It was an excellent opportunity to learn, network and socialize for many students. They got to meet Course Intsructors and ask questions one on one. They were also very fortunate to be given presentations by:
Br Altaf Patel (CHP) about the Benefits of Alternative Therapies combined with Hijama 
Sr Fahmida Elimy (CHP) about Time Management in a Clinical Environment.
We filmed the Theory lectures and practical training throughout the day. A full video of this event will be issued to ALL current students  soon, so they can also share in the learning experience, inshallah.
Hijama Nation would like to thank all students for their hard work and dedication. We are also extremely grateful to our staff and volunteer team who helped out on the day. Jazakallah Khairun to Sr Saba, Br Kashif-Cameraman (and his Crew), Sr Elly, Sr Shamim and Sr Amna for all their hard work, co-operation and support.
Inshallah, we plan the next round of Students Practical Training for Spring 2013. If you would like to sign up for this course, please click on the link below:
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@HijamaNation.com.
Thank-you and Jazakallah Khairun.

3 Responses

  1. Assalamu’ Alaikum :
    I am from the greater Vancouver area, B.C., Canada. Is there anyone in your membership who finish the course , became a CHP & practising in my area. If I take the course can I be a CHP & start a Hijama business in my area. Do I need additional certification & licensing to practice.

    1. Aslamulaykum,
      Yes, we have one graduate (Ontario) and 5 other students who have almost graduated in Alberta and Ontario, Canada.
      Yes, you can take the course. But you will have to check with your local government about licensing. If you are a medical doctor or acupuncturist, it should be allowed. But if you are not, then it is difficult that you will be allowed to practice hijama on its own. You may have to practice under a licensed medical doctor etc. Despite this, many Muslims are Hijama Therapists in Canada and USA and practice their religious right to perform/receive Hijama.

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