
Hijama for Parkinson's Disease

Here is a case study from one of our students who treated a Parkinson’s patient. Enjoy…   “My client has suffered from Parkinson’s Disease for many years, taking prescribed drugs thinking that nothing else will bring him relief. He was forced to retire due to this disease.  When I first met him several weeks ago, […]

Hijama for Depression and Stress- A Case Study

Assalaamu’alaykum, Here is an interesting case study which was submitted by one of our female students on the Hijama Practitioner Certification Course. She is based in Birmingham, UK. My patient ‘S’s medical condition is complicated as she is suffering from different diseases at the same time. She is on medication for Anemia and Thyroidism. She […]

Hijama Courses – Student Practical Training Day, London, Sept 2012.

httpv://youtu.be/NYjBddnuVSg Aslamulaykum! We are proud to present some testimonials given by current students who attended the Practical Training Day in  East London, Sept 2012. The event was  a great success and students benefitted greatly from the Theory and Practical knowledge which was presented. Students gained real, hands on experience of both Dry and Wet Cupping, Alhumdulillah. […]