
Hijama Points For Back pain.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from back pain? Is your lower abdomen swollen? Does your pain keep coming back? Walking or light exercise is not helping you get rid of stiff hip joints? Has the skin around your lower back or hip area changed colour? Have you fallen or injured yourself? Are you in pain when […]

New Insurance Scheme UK

Assalaamualaykum, Alhumdulillah, we have good news! We are thrilled to announce that we have managed to secure Practitioner Insurance Coverage for Hijama Cupping Therapy with a mainstream insurance company-This is a massive achievement for us for two reasons; 1. We applied to several companies, but many did not accept Hijama Cupping Therapy. But we persevered, and were […]

The Signifigance of Hijama Therapy in the Night Journey(Al-Isra)

Asssalama alaikum,  I hope you are in the best of health and emaan.  Today, I would like to talk briefly about the event of Al-Isra, Prophet (PBUH) night journey. The Night Journey was very significant in shaping our Ibadah.   In the Quran it is mentioned:  ”Who took His slave (Muhammad) for a journey by […]

She Shaved All Her Head Hair!

The following Case study is by one of our recent Graduates Sr Hafsana Gurjee from Preston.  Her patient was a 22 year Old Student who at the age of 14 had experienced thinning of hair and hair loss on certain areas of her scalp. She  had a scaly, itchy, puss filled spots over her scalp. […]

Hijama Helped Me Lose Weight & Reduce Medication…

The following Case Study is from our HNA Graduate Dr Tasneem from Bahamas. Her patient was a 61 year Old Female with excruciating pain in her knee since the last 4 months. She would find it difficult to walk short distances. She also suffered from abdominal bloating since one year. She was diagnosed with Gastritis […]

Can Hijama Help With My Constipation & Smoking Habit?

Assalaam alaikum,  The following case study is from one of our HNA Graduates Br Suhayl Patel, from Bolton UK. He is now a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results.  His patient was a 34 year Old Male suffering from Constipation, Shoulder and Back Pain and he generally had a low mood with depressive […]

Can Hijama Help with Migraines?

Assalama alaykum, The following is a Case Study is by one of our HNA Graduates Sr Sahra Mire from London. She is producing great case-studies as a Hijama Practitioner. Her patient was a female who had a very busy and stressful lifestyle as a school teacher. Her patient had been suffering from severe Migraines since the […]

Can Hijama Help Me After Cancer Treatment?

The following Case Study is from another one of our Graduates Sr Zobia who is working from a Hijama Clinic in Birmingham, UK. She is producing remarkable results for her patients through her Hijama Service. The following is a Case Study on a 46 years old Female patient with multiple health concerns.  Health History One […]

Hijama Treating Chronic Knee and Kidney Pain…

Here is a Case Study by one of our Students from Birmingham UK. Health History Her patient was a 35 year old with severe knee and kidney pain since the last 12 years. She found it very difficult to do everyday tasks and in particular having difficult to bend and stand during prayer. She had a […]