
The following Case Study is from another one of our Graduates Sr Zobia who is working from a Hijama Clinic in Birmingham, UK. She is producing remarkable results for her patients through her Hijama Service. The following is a Case Study on a 46 years old Female patient with multiple health concerns. 

Health History

One of my regular Hijama Patients referred her friend to me for Hijama treatment. Her friend was very nervous for treatment and she was very distressed about her health issues, I invited her for a Consultation to educate her about the benefits of Hijama for her, showed her the equipment and answered any questions. After the consultation, she felt happy to have Hijama and treatment started the same week.
The Patient was a post-cancer treatment patient over two years ago, she had gone through extensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy which had caused a great deal of other health concerns post treatment. She developed diabetes, borderline high blood pressure, severe back pain, allergies, lack of menstruation and in particular excessive hormones which she was on a great amount of medication for. She had very poor sleep because during the night she would be disturbed 6 or 7 times due to very hot sweats.
backpain 2
Ffibro 3

Treatment  & Results

She has been coming to me for a few Hijama sessions now and alhamdulilah is having remarkable results so far. She was also advised on dietary and lifestyle changes and to increase water intake. 
Before her first Hijama session she had pain in the back that would be so severe that after 10 mins of standing it would be hurting however after the first Hijama session, she felt her back pain had completely gone. She felt she had more energy.
By the second Hijama session, the back pain was still no more. She had energy to do her chores and she felt her level of stress had reduced as she felt so much happier.
By the third Hijama session most remarkably she reported before Hijama treatment her hot sweats would be as often as 6/7 times a night but now it has reduced to 2/3 a night. Alhamdulilah.  She is sleeping much better.
When she first came into the clinic she was very upset and did not smile much but as each session progressed, she was happier, more relaxed and was happy to talk about herself and cannot wait for more Hijama.
insha Allah the Hijama will be helping her cope with the after effects of cancer treatment and the other health issues.
To book a treatment with Sr. Zobia from Birmingham, UK.  Click Here!
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