
Can Hijama Help With My Constipation & Smoking Habit?

Assalaam alaikum,  The following case study is from one of our HNA Graduates Br Suhayl Patel, from Bolton UK. He is now a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results.  His patient was a 34 year Old Male suffering from Constipation, Shoulder and Back Pain and he generally had a low mood with depressive […]

Can Hijama Help Me After Cancer Treatment?

The following Case Study is from another one of our Graduates Sr Zobia who is working from a Hijama Clinic in Birmingham, UK. She is producing remarkable results for her patients through her Hijama Service. The following is a Case Study on a 46 years old Female patient with multiple health concerns.  Health History One […]

Hijama Treating Asthma and Chronic Cough

The following Case Study is from our HNA Graduates Sr Nargis from Birmingham, UK. She is now a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results. The patient was a 37 year old Male suffering from Asthma and Chronic Cough, he often used his inhaler.  He would have difficulty sleeping at night and coughing […]

I am addicted to Hijama!

Assalamaoalaykum,  The following is a case study from one of our HNA Students from Bahrain, she is producing great results with her patients Alhamdulilah. Below is a summary of the case study: Health Concern She treated a 42 year old Male with general body aches and fatigue, excruciating pain in left scapula (shoulder), pain the back of […]