Alhumdulillah, we have good news!
We are thrilled to announce that we have managed to secure Practitioner Insurance Coverage for Hijama Cupping Therapy with a mainstream insurance company-This is a massive achievement for us for two reasons;
1. We applied to several companies, but many did not accept Hijama Cupping Therapy. But we persevered, and were able to have Hijama Cupping Therapy approved as a new discipline with a non-holistic company.
2. We are the FIRST EVER organization to obtain insurance coverage from them in the UK, and are able to cover our own HN Graduates as well as external Hijama Practitioners.
Meanwhile, we are still going strong to get Hijama Cupping Therapy accepted as an approved therapy in Complementary Therapy Arenas. We do still have pending applications which may be successful, insha Allah. Please make dua for these to be successful. By gaining mainstream acceptance, we are able to establish more credibility and have Hijama Cupping Therapy recognised as a respected modality.
We just found out yesterday and are still finalizing details. We are currently negotiating terms to enable us to give our Graduates a discounted rate, insha Allah.
We have decided to also offer insurance coverage to Non-Hijama Nation Practitioners through us. If you are interested in obtaining a policy, please email us at info@hijamanation.com.
Please continue to make dua for us. We need your continued support…we have a lot to accomplish! Insha Allah.
Br Muddassar

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