
Share this page to revive the sunnah of Hijama Cupping.
This video contains detailed information about Hijama Cupping.
Information covered in this video is:
–What is Hijama and how does it work?
–The history of Hijama
–Ahadith about Hijama
–Medical benefits of Hijama
-Metaphysics and Hijama
–From where you can get the treatment?
–Hijama Treatment Testimonials
–How can you learn Hijama and be part of reviving this forgotten sunnah?
and much more……
[flv:https://hijamanation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/HijamaWebinar/WebinarVideoV2Flash_controller.swf 550 400]
To learn more about the Hijama Practitioner Certification Course, Click Here.
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11 Responses

  1. assalam awwb , i would like to do the course on line , i am in New Zealand and like to enroll and like to know if the discount still applies and will pay in 3 installment

  2. I an LPN and am very interested in becoming a practioner. I am very interested holistic and alternative therapies. Is this helpful for someone with RA, AIDS, or cancer of any type?

    1. AssalamoAlaikum
      Thanks for your enquiry. Hijama can be helpful in the early stages of these diseases and it can work to prevent them to spread in the body. It strengths the immune system and helps increasing the white blood cells. In last stages, it can work like a good pain relief. We should keep in mind that “Allah has sent down both the disease and the cure, and He has appointed a cure for every disease…” Please visit our website http://HijamaCertification.com for information about our course.
      Hijamanation Team

  3. Assalam o Alaikum
    my question is about osteoarthritis due to aging (my mother age is 55 )
    can it be healed by Hijama therapy?
    please must reply

  4. What is Hijama I know about . l want to get the trainig for hijama please Contract me mobile no.09709735898

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