
Hijama Treatment Plan To Get Rid Of Painful Trigger Points.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from severe throbbing pain in your body? Do you want to soothe your muscles? Are your painful muscular knots giving you sleepless nights and tiresome days? Are you tired of taking medications for tension headaches? Are you or a dear one a patient of fibromyalgia? Is myofascial pain getting uncontrollable? These […]

The Blessed Month Of Dhul Hijjah And Benefits Of Hijama Cupping.

Assalamualaikum, The blessed month of Dhul Hijjah has started, The Month Of Hajj. Fasting and gaining spiritual height is highly recommended in this month. This sacred month also contains the best days of the year.  Did you know Hijama cupping is permissible for a person in the state of Ihraam? Among the proofs for this […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Hip And Pelvic Pain.

Assalamualaikum, Hope you are all well.  We will soon be announcing our Eid Sale on our Hijama Diploma Certification course. So you can join now with minimal financial burden. Hijama Nation is always working hard to provide you with an excellent offer once again. It’s going to be at a mammoth discount with fabulous bonuses […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Fertility.

Assalamualaikum, Our Eid Sale is on!  Don’t miss this awesome opportunity to avail 75% off. Click here to check our prices and packages.  Enrol on Accredited Higher Diploma In Hijama Cupping Therapy (Level 5)  to learn the following Hijama treatment plans in detail and how to implement them with your clients. Today we would like […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Kidney Diseases.

Assalamualaikum,                                                                                                                                            Today, we will discuss diseases related to kidneys. There are usually no symptoms of kidney disease in the early stages.  Kidney disorders may only be diagnosed if you have a blood or urine test for another reason and results show a possible problem with the kidneys. So always look out for the following symptoms […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Slipped Discs

Assalamualaikum, Do you have severe lower back pain and you feel pressure on the spinal cord? Can you feel tingling or numbness in your shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs or feet? Are you in pain when bending or straightening up? Have  you suffered from a severe injury that has affected your mobility? Are you suffering […]

Hijama Points For Acne And Skin Conditions.

Assalamualaikum, Are you having hormonal changes? Is your skin producing abnormal sebum? Do you feel uncomfortable because of the inflammation and pus? Is acne spreading on your body as well? Do you suffer from sudden flare-ups? Are you taking steroid medicines? These conditions are an early stage of acne which can lead to papules, pustules, […]

Hijama Points For Heart Diseases And High Cholesterol.

Assalamualaikum, Are you a high blood pressure patient? Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol? Do you feel tightness in your chest? Are you suffering from shortness of breath? Is your heart not functioning properly? Are you unable to get rid of a long term cough? These might be symptoms of Heart Diseases, don’t ignore […]

Hijama Points For Sinus And Other Respiratory Issues.

Assalamualaikum, Do you have swelling or tenderness around the cheeks? Are your eyes and forehead in pain because of a stuffy nose? Are you suffering from a reduced sense of smell? Is nasal inflammation irritating you? Are you worried because of bad breath? Do you have to breathe through your mouth? These might be symptoms […]

New Insurance Scheme UK

Assalaamualaykum, Alhumdulillah, we have good news! We are thrilled to announce that we have managed to secure Practitioner Insurance Coverage for Hijama Cupping Therapy with a mainstream insurance company-This is a massive achievement for us for two reasons; 1. We applied to several companies, but many did not accept Hijama Cupping Therapy. But we persevered, and were […]