
Hijama Treatment Plan For Amenorrhea.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from pelvic pain? Have you skipped your periods for more than three months without any medical reason? Are you having skin issues like acne recently?  Have you noticed excessive hair growth on your face? Are you experiencing hair loss? Do you have occasional headaches? These might be symptoms of Amenorrhea. Get […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Hot Flashes.

Assalamualaikum, Are you having rapid heartbeats? Do you have a feeling of anxiety? Does a sudden feeling of warmth spread across your body? Are you suffering from a urinary urgency? Do you suffer from a flushed blotchy appearance? Are you unable to sleep because of being heated up and uneasiness? These might be symptoms of […]

Get Fighting Fit For The Last Few Days Of Ramadan.

Asssalamualaikum, Are you fatigued and feeling tired? Has your energy level dropped? Are you unable to control your sleep? Has your migraine become active? Are your shoulders and lower back stopping you from Ibadaah? Do you feel more hungry and weak now? Are your knees in pain? These are symptoms of general weakness. Book a […]

Hijama Points For Hormonal Imbalance.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from a slow or rapid heartbeat? Do you feel low at energy and fatigued? Are you feeling extremely thirsty and frequent urination? Have you gained or lost weight unexpectedly? Are you suffering from hair loss or have excessive hair? Is your sleep cycle getting disrupted? Do not ignore these symptoms! These […]

Can Hijama Help Me After Cancer Treatment?

The following Case Study is from another one of our Graduates Sr Zobia who is working from a Hijama Clinic in Birmingham, UK. She is producing remarkable results for her patients through her Hijama Service. The following is a Case Study on a 46 years old Female patient with multiple health concerns.  Health History One […]