
Hijama Treatment For Hypertension.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from headaches and dizziness? Is your chest tight and heavy? Are you vomiting or feeling nausea? Do you have ringing sounds in the ears? Does your vision become blurred with headaches? Are you suffering from anxiety? These might be symptoms of High Blood Pressure. Do not ignore them! Get yourself diagnosed. […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Amenorrhea.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from pelvic pain? Have you skipped your periods for more than three months without any medical reason? Are you having skin issues like acne recently?  Have you noticed excessive hair growth on your face? Are you experiencing hair loss? Do you have occasional headaches? These might be symptoms of Amenorrhea. Get […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Severe Backache.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from back pain? Is this pain associated with a slipped disc? Do you think your sciatic nerve is trapped? Are you unable to do stretches or walk on your own? Are you losing weight because of being in constant pain? Does the pain get worse while sneezing or coughing? These might […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Severe Backache.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from back pain? Is this pain associated with a slipped disc? Do you think your sciatic nerve is trapped? Are you unable to do stretches or walk on your own? Are you losing weight because of being in constant pain? Does the pain get worse while sneezing or coughing? These might […]

Get Fighting Fit For The Last Few Days Of Ramadan.

Asssalamualaikum, Are you fatigued and feeling tired? Has your energy level dropped? Are you unable to control your sleep? Has your migraine become active? Are your shoulders and lower back stopping you from Ibadaah? Do you feel more hungry and weak now? Are your knees in pain? These are symptoms of general weakness. Book a […]

Hijama Points For Sciatica.

Assalamualaikum, Do you have a severe, stabbing or shooting pain in one or both legs? Are your legs and hip joints numb? Do you feel fatigued? Are you unable to perform daily activities because of sciatic pain? Is your lower back, hip and buttocks suffering from a needle-like sensation? Are your muscles getting weaker? These […]

Hijama Points To Treat Lower Back Pain.

Assalamualaikum, Is your back pain increased after prolonged sitting? Are you suffering from a dull aching pain close to your hips? Does your back pain travel to your buttocks? Is your pain worse after waking up and better after moving around? Are your feet and knees painful as well? These might be symptoms of lower […]

Can Hijama Help With My Constipation & Smoking Habit?

Assalaam alaikum,  The following case study is from one of our HNA Graduates Br Suhayl Patel, from Bolton UK. He is now a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results.  His patient was a 34 year Old Male suffering from Constipation, Shoulder and Back Pain and he generally had a low mood with depressive […]

I Have Unusual Swelling on Throat…

Assalama alaykum, We have another Case study for you this week. The following is a Case Study is by one of our HNA Graduates Dr Tasneem from the Bahamas, she has incorporated Hijama into her practice and helping her patients towards optimum health. Her patient was a young woman with swelling in her neck since […]

Can Hijama Help Me After Cancer Treatment?

The following Case Study is from another one of our Graduates Sr Zobia who is working from a Hijama Clinic in Birmingham, UK. She is producing remarkable results for her patients through her Hijama Service. The following is a Case Study on a 46 years old Female patient with multiple health concerns.  Health History One […]