
Hijama helping lower Diabetes medication and ease back pain

The following is a case study from one of our recently enrolled students. Her patient was a 46 year old lady with diabetes and back pain. She did not regularly exercise. Her diet mainly consisted of oily fried food, high in protein and carbohydrates. She drank little water and more diet soda or juice. Her […]

I Became Pregnant After Hijama!

Hijama for fertility success stories. These stories will help you know how does cupping help with pregnancy. HIjama nation success story will blew you in these testimonials.

Why Become a Hijama Practitioner?

Asslaamoalaykum, Sadly, there are so many people sick in the world and more and more people are getting sicker every day. Is modern medicine helping? Not really! They give you a pill to cover up the symptoms but the disease keeps increasing and the amount of pills keeps increasing. So what is the solution? Hijama […]

Fasting and Health

Ramdan Mubarak to all! May Allah help all of us take full advantage of the blessed month of Ramdan, spiritually and physically. Most of us know about the spiritual benefits of Ramdan but very few of us know the physical and medical benefits of fasting in Ramdan or outside Ramdan. In this article, I will […]