
The following case study is from one of our Graduates Brother Denial Durmisevi a Male Nurse from Bosnia and Herzegowina. He is a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results. His patient was a 45 year old male with excruciating back pain. His patient had a number of treatments from the hospital but the treatment gave him only short-term relief. To find out how Hijama produced a longer term back pain relief read below…

Health History

His patient had a lifestyle which involved a lot of heavy lifting and one day the pain in the back was so severe he had to go to the emergency room where he was given injections for pain reduction. For the next few weeks he received further injections containing corticosteroids and muscle relaxants, massage therapy and a range of other therapies and he was discharged relatively recovered. He returned to work, the pain was still there but he tried to tolerate it. Unexpectedly, the severe pain returned after 3 months. He denied going back to the hospital for treatment and decided to have Hijama therapy.


He had a few Hijama sessions, he was told to avoid heavy lifting and advised on laying positions in order to improve his condition.


After the first Hijama treatment the patient said the level of pain was significantly low. After the second Hijama treatment he claimed the pain was almost gone and was very happy with the results. After 3 months, he had another Hijama session as a preventative of further pain. Remarkably, it has been over a year since the patients last Hijama session and has not had excruciating back pain as before. 
backpain 2
From this case study you can see the powerful results Hijama produces. Pain relief was instant and he has been pain free for longer compared to the results he had from the hospital treatment in which the pain returned in 3 months. We hear often unfortunately how individuals suffering from a range of health conditions have other treatments, which cause so many side effects but these individuals use Hijama as a last resort which is a natural treatment and is producing remarkable results. 
If you have benefited from this article, please share it with friends, family or someone who can also benefit from it insh Allah.
To find out how you can become a HNA Certified Hijama Practitioner (CHP) from one of leading Hijama Training Centers and produce amazing results like above and help others have a fuller life then email info@hijamanation.com

One Response

  1. if we work on hijama and exchange our idias i think hijama will become first choice of world.we beleive on hijama coz of being a muslim,but it also give results to non muslim too it means in hijama therapy there is remedy for all human beings.we need to give our full attention towards hijama as professionaly and should do researches in all aspects like,disease and its recomended points,hematology of hijama blood,disease which show extraordinory remedy after hijama etc.
    so we should think globely successful aproaches towards hijama therapy.

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