
The following Case study is from our Graduates Dr Atiya Mehmood from Lahore, Pakistan. She is now a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results. Her patient was a 33 year old female with severe back pain and after an MRI she was diagnosed with right sided Scoliosis and Spastic Lumbar Muscles causing excruciating pain and bending of the back. She has had many other health concerns over time.
She suffered from occasional numbness and tingling of hands and feet (Neuropathy)along with a burning sensation in the feet.  She found it very difficult to do everyday household chores such as cooking, washing, cleaning and self-care such as combing her hair.


Her patient had a number of Hijama sessions, given dietary advice, encouraged to increase water intake and increase physical activity level. She was also advised on appropriate siting posture to aid back support.
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Her patient showed remarkable results, she felt positive increase in her general well being. Her level of pain decreased as each Hijama session went by.  The pain is manageable and now she is able to do her shopping independently and do basic self-care such as combing her hair as before these simple tasks were very difficult to do.  She no longer felt burning sensation in her feet and most astounding results was that the bend in her spine due to the scoliosis was not visible any longer. She did not need to get a repeat MRI, as her back healed.  
If you have benefited from this article, please share it with friends, family or someone who can also benefit from it insh Allah.
To find out how you can become a HNA Certified Hijama Practitioner (CHP) from one of leading Hijama Training Centers and produce amazing results like above and help others have a fuller life then email [email protected]

6 Responses

  1. Salam, very interesting cases.
    However, if you include in each case study the protocol used, points used, nb. of sessions.
    These would help other people a lot.
    Thank you

    1. Assalamualaikum,
      I agree with you. The detailed case studies are only for our students, graduates and practitioners. You can enrol for our course and get benefitted Insha Allah. Hopefully you can be one of the students sharing the detailed case study with your fellow students Insha Allah.
      According to Hijama Nation, hijama points and sessions are to be designed for each client as per their need and medical history.
      To enrol click here: https://hijama.hijamanation.com/application-page-step-1
      Sr Adeela Aaiesha. CHP
      Hijama Coach.

  2. My daughter is thirteen years old.She has been a patient of vitiligo since the last five years.She has white spot under her left eare.please give me some advice

    1. Assalamualaikum
      Hijama is a sunnah and Allah swt has put shifa in it.
      Hijama is an Islamic, novel treatment methodology, that has been successfully used as cure for numerous diseases including skin diseases.
      All medical conditions should be considered primarily and eliminated. Metaphysical issues should be considered as well as any sickness can be caused by this. Hijama Nation deals with all clients Holistically.
      Give charity with intention of shifa.
      Consult one of our Certified Hijama Practitioner near you, click on the link below:
      Sr Adeela Aaiesha. CHP
      Hijama Coach.

  3. Asalam Aleikum brother or sister,
    I am diabetic is it fine to do hijama or their will be complications.Kindly advise bcos I would love to do it to remove dirty blood from my body.

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