

Are you suffering from a rash on your face?

Have you got raised skin patches?

Do you feel sensitivity to light?

Have you got ulcers in the mouth or nose?

Are you suffering from arthritis or tenderness or swelling in joints?

Do you get seizures or other nervous system problems?

Have you got excessive protein in urine?

Don’t ignore! These can be symptoms of Lupus.

Hijama cupping therapy can help get rid of the root causes of the disease, Insha Allah.

According to the NHS, Lupus is a long-term condition that causes joint pain, skin rashes and tiredness. There’s no cure, but symptoms can improve if treatment starts at an early stage.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease. This means the body’s natural defence system (immune system) attacks healthy parts of your body. 

Unfortunately Lupus, also called systemic lupus erythematosus, is not always easy to diagnose because it can be similar to other conditions.

Lupus can range from mild to severe.

Following are different ways it can affect the body.

Kidneys: lupus can be a cause of inflammation of the kidneys and can impair their ability to get rid of the waste and toxins of the body.

Heart: In some people with Lupus, inflammation can occur in the heart or the membrane that surrounds it. So it becomes a cause of chest pains or other symptoms.

Lungs: Some people with lupus can develop pleuritis, an inflammation of the lining of the chest cavity that causes difficulty in breathing. Such patients can suffer from pneumonia.

Brain: Lupus can affect the central nervous system or the brain and can be a cause of headaches, dizziness, depression, memory loss, vision problems and strokes etc.

Hijama Cupping Therapy can help get rid of the root causes of the disease.

Consult a Certified Hijama Practitioner, who can design a unique detailed hijama treatment plan for you, keeping in mind your medical history.

Cupping is a very safe and gentle therapy.

Hijama Cupping Therapy helps your body reduce inflammation caused by Lupus.  In the process of hijama cupping, suction is made with the help of cups. You can think of it as similar to a massage in reverse. This treatment contributes to sterile inflammation. 

A client suffering from lupus will need Lymphatic drainage while in remission or when they are having a flare-up.

Cupping gives your body a boost by releasing toxins that are built up because of lupus. 

All important life saving organs, like heart, lungs, kidneys and head can be cleansed with the help of regular hijama cupping therapy. This will give all the organs a new life and will allow them to self heal.

Hijama or cupping is an effective treatment for many conditions. Cupping is an effective treatment for lung diseases like chronic cough, asthma, bronchial congestion, and pleurisy

Often the health of your skin directly reflects what is happening inside your body.

Some people with lupus develop myositis, an inflammation of the skeletal muscles that causes weakness and loss of strength. Hijama the sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH) can help gain muscular strength. 

Hijama can be extremely beneficial to treat autoimmune diseases like Lupus. It is suggested through research that hijama improved symptoms of the disease by clearing blood and interstitial fluid from the noxious substances such as auto-antibodies, immune complexes, pro-inflammatory mediators, cytokines, oxidants, and soluble cytokine receptors.

Hijama Nation suggests Head cleanse for autoimmune disorders.

One of our Certified Hijama Practitioners, sister Farzana From, Lahore, Pakistan has treated Lupus with the help of Hijama Cupping successfully, alhamdulillah.

Sr Farzan has a background in Microbiology and has coaching training by Dr Eric Berg from USA. She is currently practising as a Holistic Health Practitioner in her clinic, alongside with her husband in Lahore.

To Listen to a detailed Hijama Treatment Plan For Lupus by sister Farzana

Register on HNTV for Free.

Lupus can be a cause of ulcers in the mouth and nose. These are basically caused by digestive issues. Hijama cupping therapy is extremely beneficial to treat digestive problems and helps eradicate the root causes of the disease.

Not only this but focused blood flow(wet cupping) helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system.

Cupping is likely to affect the immune system in many positive ways. 

Cupping irritates the immune system by making an artificial local inflammation. In the meanwhile activating the complementary system. The process of hijama increases the level of immune products. So a body is pushed towards healing naturally.

Hijama Nation would advise an active healthy lifestyle and balanced diet alongside regular hijama sessions.

Stay active, learn to pace yourself according to your condition, use relaxation techniques, eat healthy balanced diet, increase vit D and calcium intake etc

Let’s revive the Sunnah together!

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Message or Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7838 614062.

Adeela Aaiesha (CHP)

Hijama Coach.

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