
Ramadhan Mubarak to Everyone!

Aslamulaykum,   Wishing you a blessed, fruitful, healing and rewarding Ramadhan! May Allah SWT bless you with health, joy, guidance, peace and success in this life and the next, ameen. Thankyou for all your support. Sincerest duas, The Hijama Nation Team.

Special Gift!

Aslamulaykum! In celebration of our new London, UK office, we are giving you a special gift. Our courses will be 50% off for the February 2012 student intake, inshallah. Offer ends on: January 31st 2012. Course start date: Mon 6th Feb 2012 Why should you take these courses? To revive the forgotten sunnah of Hijama To […]


Aslamulaykum. This is an announcement on behalf of the International fair of the Muslim world (“Salon International Du Monde Musalman”). They are holding a massive Islamic Exhibition in Paris, France on 17th, 18th & 19th of Dec 2011 for Muslims all around the world. They are looking for fully trained and certified Hijama Therapists to run a […]

Hijama Training Institute-CMA registered & approved.

Hijama Nation is now a proud member of the Complementary Medical Association (CMA). Our  Hijama Training Institute and Hijama Practitioner Course is registered and approved by them. We are also certified and  insured. We are dedicated to educating and training practitioners and patients about Hijama Cupping Therapy. We have 100% faith and conviction in this ancient remedy and […]


    Have a happy Eid day! May Allah, the Almighty bless you with health, joy and success, ameen.

Practitioner Certification-Online Classes start Mon, Sept 12th, 2011

HIJAMA NATION will be starting online classes for the Hijama Practitioner Training Programme on Sept 12th, 2011. It is designed for international students who are allowed to practice hijama, and USA/Canada students who have medical/healthcare backgrounds. It will be a 6 month online course with practical workshop training. Students may enroll at anytime and can […]

Ramadhan Recipes & Sunnah Foods.

Tibb-e-Nabawi foods are similar either during Ramadan OR without Ramadan. For  Sahoor, take the breakfasts as listed below. For Iftaar, quench your thirst with the blessed beverages like Barley Water, Sattu, Nabeez, Milkshakes with fruits, vegetable juices, home-made Yogurt Lassi & its Whey Protein. Make Thareed, Barley soups, vegetable curries in the blessed olive oil, try […]

Hijama Therapist Directories

    Need to find a Hijama Therapist near you? Try these links…you never know where one may be! www.hijamadirectory.info http://www.brokenearth.org/hijama/directory.htm http://cuppingtherapy.org/ If you want to train to become a Hijama Practitioner yourself, please visit www.HijamaTraining.com and sign up. Thanks.