
Hijama Points For Common Colds And Flu.

Assalamualaikum, Have you got a runny nose? Are you suffering from a sore throat? Do your muscles ache? Are you having regular spells of on and off coughing? Do you feel raised pressure in your ears and face? Have you lost sense of taste and smell? Is your body temperature raised? These might be symptoms […]

Hijama Points For Infertility/Pregnancy.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from irregular periods? Is your facial hair growth more than  normal? Have you been diagnosed with hormonal imbalance? Are you suffering from metabolic disorders and obesity? Is your menstrual cycle too long (35 days or more) or too short (less than 21 days)? Are you unable to get pregnant and facing […]

Hijama Points For Stomach Problems And Ulcers.

Assalamualaikum, Are you suffering from a burning pain in the tummy? Have you got constipation? Are you feeling sick for no reason? Is acid reflux and heart burning troubling you? Are you stressed and losing weight? Have you lost your appetite? These might be symptoms of Stomach problems or ulcers. Do not ignore these! Hijama […]

Hijama Points For Sciatica.

Assalamualaikum, Do you have a severe, stabbing or shooting pain in one or both legs? Are your legs and hip joints numb? Do you feel fatigued? Are you unable to perform daily activities because of sciatic pain? Is your lower back, hip and buttocks suffering from a needle-like sensation? Are your muscles getting weaker? These […]

Hijama Points For Thyroid.

Assalamualaikum, Are your nails and hair becoming brittle? Do you feel tired for no reason? Are you sensitive to cold weather? Have you gained weight recently? Are your movements and thoughts becoming slow? Can you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers and hands? These might be symptoms of Thyroid. Do not ignore these! Consult […]

Hijama Points To Treat Lower Back Pain.

Assalamualaikum, Is your back pain increased after prolonged sitting? Are you suffering from a dull aching pain close to your hips? Does your back pain travel to your buttocks? Is your pain worse after waking up and better after moving around? Are your feet and knees painful as well? These might be symptoms of lower […]

Hijama Points To Treat Shoulder Pain.

Assalamualaikum, Do you have  poor posture? Are you suffering from an injury on the shoulders or back? Is your spine in pain? Are you suffering from torn cartilage? Do you have a pinched nerve? Are your muscles inflamed? Don’t ignore these symptoms. These might turn into a severe Shoulder Issue. Consult a Certified Hijama Practitioner […]

Hijama Treatment Plan For Gastritis. (Stomach Issues)

Assalamualaikum, Do you have stomach ulcers? Are you bloated or constipated? Do you suffer from heartburn? Does nausea and vomiting disturb your daily routine? Do you often have pain in your belly? Do not ignore these symptoms. These might lead to Gastritis (stomach issues). Hijama Cupping Therapy can help treat the condition and help to […]

Hijama For Skin Eczema.

Assalamualaikum, Is your skin dry, cracked and itchy? Have you got a rash on swollen skin? Is your skin oozing and crusting? Do you get raw, sensitive skin from scratching? Has your skin thickened? Is your skin darkening around your eyes? These might be symptoms of Eczema. Don’t ignore these. Consult a Certified Hijama Practitioner. […]

Hijama Treatment For Memory Loss.

Assalamualaikum, Can planning or problem solving be a challenge for you? Are you suffering from depression? Do you misplace things and you are unable to trace them back? Are you on regular painkillers after a surgery? Do you take drugs? Are you suffering from mild cognitive impairment? Do you frequently forget things? These symptoms might […]