
Hijama Treatment Plan For Cellulitis.

Assalamulaiakum, Are you suffering from fever with chills and sweating? Do you feel pain and tenderness in the affected area? Are you fatigued and low at energy? Do you have red, sore patches that are spreading? Did your skin rash start all of a sudden and grew quickly in the first 24 hours? Is your […]

Hijama Points For Gallbladder Stones.

Assalamualaikum, Hijama Nation has exciting news to share with you all. Long awaited Winter Sale is starting next week. Do not miss this opportunity if you wish to avail huge discounts, up to 70% off and FREE Bonuses! Today’s article is about Gallbladder stones. Let’s begin with it. Are you suffering from a sharp pain […]

Hijama Points For Headaches.

Assalamualaikum, Is your scalp sore? Are you having sleepless nights because of a headache? Is your vision getting blurred? Do you suffer from jaw pain while eating or chewing? Along with a headache, are your arms and legs getting numb? Are you becoming sensitive to light? Do not ignore these symptoms! Headache can lead to […]

Hijama Points For Yeast Infection And Thrush.

Assalamualaikum, Are you feeling itchy and agitated? Do you feel a rash? Are you having a watery vaginal discharge? Do you feel a burning sensation while urinating? Are you suffering from a white, thick, odour-free discharge? You might be suffering from Yeast infection. Consult a Certified Hijama Practitioner. Hijama Cupping THerapy can help treat the […]

Hijama Points To Treat Lower Back Pain.

Assalamualaikum, Is your back pain increased after prolonged sitting? Are you suffering from a dull aching pain close to your hips? Does your back pain travel to your buttocks? Is your pain worse after waking up and better after moving around? Are your feet and knees painful as well? These might be symptoms of lower […]

Hijama Points For Acne And Skin Conditions.

Assalamualaikum, Are you having hormonal changes? Is your skin producing abnormal sebum? Do you feel uncomfortable because of the inflammation and pus? Is acne spreading on your body as well? Do you suffer from sudden flare-ups? Are you taking steroid medicines? These conditions are an early stage of acne which can lead to papules, pustules, […]

Why Should Hijama Be My First Treatment?

The following case study is from one of our Graduates Brother Denial Durmisevi a Male Nurse from Bosnia and Herzegowina. He is a Certified HNA Hijama Practitioner (CHP) and producing great results. His patient was a 45 year old male with excruciating back pain. His patient had a number of treatments from the hospital but […]

Hijama helping lower Diabetes medication and ease back pain

The following is a case study from one of our recently enrolled students. Her patient was a 46 year old lady with diabetes and back pain. She did not regularly exercise. Her diet mainly consisted of oily fried food, high in protein and carbohydrates. She drank little water and more diet soda or juice. Her […]

I Became Pregnant After Hijama!

Hijama for fertility success stories. These stories will help you know how does cupping help with pregnancy. HIjama nation success story will blew you in these testimonials.

Meet Our HNA Students!

HIJAMA NATION Students share their experiences with us about why they decided to become a Hijama Practitioner and why they chose Hijama Nation. They also tell us about studying the HNA Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy. To enrol on the course, click here.   This is Sr Arshiya from East London. She is […]