
I Became Pregnant After Hijama!

The following are testimonials from two of our HNA Hijama Therapists talking about how their patients who were struggling to become pregnant for many years had Hijama done and now have a child. SubhanAllah! We all know Hijama is a powerful tool, we just need to have faith in the treatment he has provided for Our Ummah, Allah knows best.

Hijama For Fertility Success Stories

Testimonial One

‘’I just wanted to share some news regarding Hijama and fertility. Last year on the 25th of May I did hijama for a sister who had been married for 5 years and had not been able to get pregnant. When I saw her again and she had a 3-month-old baby in her arms. TabarakAllah!  She told me that she had left the UK to go and get IVF treatment after having Hijama and when she got to the hospital they said to her we can’t do anything for you because you are already pregnant. SubhanAllah! She got pregnant after only one session of Hijama. Now when people ask her for fertility advice she tells them that they need to get Hijama. Alhamdulilah”.hijama for fertility success stories

Testimonial Two

‘’I had a similar story 4 months ago, I treated a sister who was suffering from back pain, but at the same she has been having infertility problems for 7 years. The first session she had Hijama done on sunnah points and the following month she had a deep blood cleanse with Hijama. She informed me she felt so light and constantly found her moods on top of the world and her back pain had completely gone, at this point I booked her another session for the following month to start the Hijama for the infertility issues. Alhamdulilah two days before the appointment she called me to cancel her appointment as her pregnancy test was positive. MaashaAllah Tabarakallah, Allah knows best as He is the only curer”.

There are many other cases like these where sisters are able to get pregnant after Hijama. They put their trust in Allah and gained the courage to try this divine powerful tool that is Hijama and Alhamdulilah they found results.
If you have benefitted from this article, please share it with friends, family, or someone who can also benefit from it, Insha Allah.
If you would like to learn the amazing treatment of Hijama and help others live a fuller life, please email us at info@HijamaNation.com

3 Responses

  1. Assalam Aalikum
    I am very much interested however it is not legal here in Australia and New Zealand. There are some who practise it illegally. Dry Cupping is allowed but I am not sure of the benefits, Any Advice

    1. wa alykum asslaam, There are organizations who cover Hijama as a religious practice in the countries that have law of freedom of religion. So you can practice under that law. Also, lets say it is illegal, who is going to work towards making it legal?

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