
JA is a healthy 41 year old male. He is active and looks after his health and body. He hasHijama Leg Pain had chronic pain in his big toe since a sports injury for the last 8 years which affected his quality of life. He has had trouble bending his toe; sharp pains, numbness and inflamed hard, thick skin around the painful area. Impacting; praying, bathing and sleeping. Over time he has had clinical injections, acupuncture and massage therapy but these did not make much difference but had not considered Hijama. This was the first time he had heard about Hijama but did not think it will make a difference. He heard about Hijama from his brother who really enjoyed it. JA has had Hijama over a course of 2 months.
Instantly after his first Hijama session, he felt a circulation sensation within the injured toe which was not felt for a very, very long time. This feeling stayed constant until his next session. Then his pain level had slightly reduced and the toe felt less irritated. The damaged bone had easier movement.
Alongside Hijama, he felt going to the gym was helping his foot too. The next session results were remarkable. He felt a greater sensation in the toe; less irritation, the toe gave shorter bursts of pain throughout day. JA could not believe the positive changes happening so quickly.
Over the next two sessions, inflamed skin reduced a great deal and his toe felt much better. He could sleep all night without the toe pain bothering him. He could bend the toe in Sujood during prayer.
Results were incredible, since his last session he felt at ease. Hardly any pain throughout the day, as before the pain would be on his mind a lot. The pain had reduced from 8/10 to 3/10 throughout treatments. At first the toe was very numb but now it looked and felt healthier. His quality of daily routine and life has improved. He feels emotionally happier about the foot. It is easier to bend his toe during prayer.
JA felt his health had improved a lot he said ‘’I have never felt like this since 8 years and did not think I would feel like this again’’. He now can walk without feeling constant pain. He will definitely recommend it because something so simple he felt has helped so much. JA wished he had considered Hijama sooner and is looking forward to more Hijama.
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