
The beauty of Hijama Cupping Therapy is that the results of this treatment are immediate and long-term. Whether you try dry, massage or Hijama (wet cupping), you will feel different straight away. Many patients say they feel “lighter” and experience “mental clarity.”

The Hijama really, truly does “cleanse” the blood and clears up all blockages and stagnation in the body. It clears out the whole cardio-vascular system. This is essentially because the primary “Sunnah Points”  are at the nape of the neck and in the middle of the shoulder blades. These are the standard locations that a patient should have treated according to “Sunnah” (practices of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]). The carotid arteries are also sunnah points and really help to reduce stress in the neck and upper shoulder;

These are crucial points because the top sunnah point cleanses the whole head; ie brain, eyes, ears, gums, teeth and neck. The bottom sunnah point draws toxic blood from the vital organs in the torso, and also the extremeties ie; arms and legs. This action allows blood to flow freely and carry vital oxygen to the brain. This nourishes the brain and enables the nervous system, and thus, the whole body to function properly. The immune system also becomes much stronger. More white blood cells are released to deal with the small loss of blood from the wet cupping. Muscles and areas of tension are relaxed and patients feel comfortable and positive at the end of a session.

So you see, the practice of Hijama is a beautiful thing…what more could you ask for? A natural spring clean for your body! There are no extra medical costs or harmful side effects from medicines and chemicals. You will feel refreshed and active, and you will have fulfilled a sunnah. What could possibly make you feel better than that?

40 Responses

  1. Would u pls kindly point out the points i,e sides of the neck and upper back through diagram and also other points so we can understand it betterly easy to apply.

    1. Thankyou for your enquiry. We are in the process of publishing a book about Hijamaology and hijama points. So you can refer to that for more detail.
      For now, the “jugular” points are the carotid arteries on either side of the neck.
      The other two sunnah points are at the nape of the neck and between the shoulder blades. Unfortunately, we do not have the diagrams available yet.

  2. Assalamu Alaikum
    Thankyou for ur reply. A waiting for book on hijamaology and hijama points.I understand that jugular pionts you explained.

    1. I know a well written book on the subject (hijamah) it includes detailed diagrams of points related to specific cures,but the book is in urdu,written by doctor amjad ahsan ali,it includes everything on the subject! book name is ”al hijamah ‘.

  3. Assalamu alaikum,
    Hi i am 22 years old, i wana knw does hijama can be perform for face skin….becoz i have acne,pimples and pimple marks……..can i get rid of these skin problem’s thorough Hijama………….i wana do hijama for my skin………is it effective for face…….or it is just for body………..pls help me out………i wana get rid of these skin problems………should i go for hijama……????

    1. Aslamulaykum. Thank you for your questions. Yes, alhumdulillah, Hijama is a very effective treatment for skin conditions and pimples. These usually occurr if there is too much heat in the body, bad diet and digestive system, poor lymphatic drainage and even stress. You should consider all of these issues as they may be causing the imbalances in your body.
      Hijama will help to take out all the toxic blood and impurities in your body systems. So we do advise you to try Hijama at least once. Massage cupping and facials are also very useful to rejuvenate skin.
      But you must remember that even though hijama is the best medicine and a sunnah, it is not the actual cure itself. Allah SWT is the only healer and curer, so we should have strong faith in Allah SWT and ask him for the healing, as opposed to any medicine, remedy or doctor.
      We wish you all the best and hope that you find hijama to be helpful, inshallah. You may need a few treatments before you see a difference, as acne can be a longstanding condition.
      We pray you benefit from the Hijama.

  4. Aoa,kya hijama se infertility ka bhi illaj hoo sakta hai aur karachi me kon se jaga hijama center hain plz guide me.

      1. Sir, i want to get that hijama information for infertility.
        it’s mean of ma na boat se jaga ilaj karwa ha…aur shadi ko 10 to 11 yrs ho gaya ha…kiya iss tariqa ilaj hijama ma aisa koi case aya ha….jiss ma iss ko faida howa ho
        M. Faisal.

  5. i wanna ask that my father’s has lost his eyesight due to some reason mean he can see by 1 eye bt nt all gud so is there any treatment for thz ,if there iz so plz tell me where should we cme mean where iz ur cntr in karachi n what r ur charges n the thng which iz most important iz that either we have to pay before or after the treatment?

  6. Assalam Alaikum Sir, I am 73 yrs old my both quadriceps Muscle are weak, I am unable to walk without walker, unable to climb stairs without support. Can hija treat it?

  7. Assalam o Alaykum
    I have to ask that the treatment for infertility requires dry cupping only or the insition one as well? kindly reply
    Best Regards,
    Mrs. Kashif

  8. Assalam o Alaikum
    Please tell me about that migrain problem can be solve by hijama and how many cups needed ? fees and location ?

  9. Assalaam o alaikum,
    I am suffering from low abdominal pain since 2 years, done lot of treatments, even Ruqya shariya, still pain exits, Doctors saying is i have IBS Problem, so i want to get out from this, i am from Mysore, I want to take Hijama for IBS, Please give me address.

  10. Assalamualaikum,
    I am getting hijamah done in Mumbai, India from a Dr who also practices Hijamah. My problem is of magic and possession. There are some points where i re-act very strongly and some where i dont. Strong poonts are the chest, head, legs point. Chest and head being severe. Can you explain?

  11. Can i please know whether i will be able to increase my height by doin hijama? im currently 20 years old and my height is 5’3…. waiting for your reply asap… thankyou

  12. Assalamwalaikum,my name is Yousuf .I’m 20 years old n I have been suffering from a very bad headache along with blocked ears.I had taken almost every medicines for my trouble but nothing seems to work.I have a bilateral frontal sinustis which does not go away n because of this im also unable to get sleep n also feel very depressed.its been nearly 4 weeks now.so could u plz tell me at which points of the body the hijama should be done?

    1. Asslaamoalaykum,
      For general health, you whole body should cupped for the cleansing but you can start from upper back, neck, head and face area. Hijama will help you get relief insha Allah. Please keep us posted.

  13. dear brother Im practing hijama since 5 years though im a unani practioner Im more interested in getting faster results in therapeutic cases like in chronic disorders and diseases so pls guide me to get more details about hijama points and how can i get informative books to refer periodically and practice in my hijama clinic

    1. Asslaamoalaykum,
      We don’t have any case study to back it but if the height issue is because of any medical problem, Hijama will remove that problem insha Allah. So try it anyway. It will be beneficial anyway.

  14. Asslaamoalaykum
    i have never suffered from acne and scars but since last year i m suffering through cyctic acne and scars kindly what kind of hijama is for face dry cupping or the insition one

  15. aoa i want to ask that i have taken hijama treatmnt on my face for acne but three days have passed but cupping marks are not gone they are light purple type i m so upset my face looks horrible plz answer me how mny days it wil take ?” i m xtemly upset seems like it wil nver gone help me

    1. Assalamualaikum,
      Hijama can be of help to treat acne and skin issues Insha Allah.
      Hijama cuupping marks can take a few days to fade away completely and sometimes it depends on your skin type and your immunity.
      Apply coconut oil (coconut oil has healing properties) regularly on the points where you had wet cupping and the marks will fade Insha Allah.
      Don’t be so upset please.
      Sr Adeela Aaiesha. CHP
      Hijama Coach.

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