
HNA International Register for

Certified Hijama Practitioners (CHP)


We are so excited and honoured to share our latest progress with you. We were getting countless emails every week with people requesting contact information and locations of Certified Hijama Practitioners (CHP). So despite being so busy with teaching and training, we decided to compile a list of our graduates for you and we have now launched the Hijama Nation International Register of Certified Hijama Practitioners! 
 You can now easily find a Certified Hijama Practitioner near you by checking on the HNA Register on our website. This list has all our graduates so far (who may or may not be practicing). Then there are our paid and registered members who are highlighted. If you click on their name, their profile page will show up with more detail about themselves, inshaa Allah. We also have several students who are still studying and are located in many countries. When they graduate, they will be added to the Register and become our Members too, inshaa Allah. You can receive treatments from these professionals with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that they have been trained by us, alhumdulillah. Please click here to view the International Certified Hijama Practitioners Register
 What if you cannot find a Certified Hijama Practitioner near you? Well, there are two options….

  1. You can check the Hijama Directory run by AHealth. There may be more practitioners in your area on that list. But they may not be certified by us. You can contact them at AHealth Hijama Directory
  1. If you cannot find anyone near you, that means no-one else can either. So there is a need and demand in your vicinity. Therefore, the most logical, practical and spiritually rewarding step is to get trained and certified yourself. So you can offer this well needed service to your friends, family and community, insha Allah.

If you wish to enrol, we currently have a Sale on the HNA Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy (Dip.HCT)
The Sale offer is 35% off @ £633.75 in one payment
£729 in 3 monthly instalments of £243 via payal.
 Deadline: Sunday 18th Jan 2015
So I hope we have helped you in some small way by providing this service to you. Inshaa Allah, you and your family will benefit and experience the wonders of Al Hijama!!!

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