

Are you able to lift both your arms?

Do you face any numbness while holding your arms up?

Are you suffering from a severe, blinding headache?

Is your speech slurred?

Are you diabetic or a high blood pressure patient suffering from dizziness?

Can you feel one eye slightly dropped?

Are you not able to smile?

Do not ignore these symptoms!

This can be a stroke. Consult your doctor straight away. It can be fatal.

Hijama Cupping Therapy can help get rid of the after effects of stroke.

Consult a Certified Hijama Practitioner.

A stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.

Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential.

Like all organs, the brain needs oxygen and nutrients provided by blood to function properly.

If the supply of blood is restricted or stopped, brain cells begin to die. This can lead to brain injury, stroke, disability or death.

There are 2 main causes of stroke.

Certain health conditions increase the risk of having a stroke, for example high blood pressure, high cholesterol, irregular heart beats and diabetes etc

Recovering from a stroke can take a long time. A person affected by stroke might need special care to help them with his/her daily activities.

Hijama Cupping Therapy can help get rid of the root causes of stroke.

Hijama can aid the process of recovery, Insha Alalh.

Cupping is often used for stroke rehabilitation and can be quite successful. Cupping is used to improve subcutaneous blood flow circulation and to stimulate the autonomic nervous system. In clinical practice, cupping is often used for stroke rehabilitation and its complications

Hijama Cupping can be used to help the stroke patient relearn simple motor activities such as walking, sitting, standing, lying down, and the process of switching from one type of movement to another.

A large number of clinical studies have shown that cupping is effective in treating intractable peripheral facial paralysis (IPFP) and can aid in stroke rehabilitation.

A stroke patient experiences pain, uncomfortable numbness, or strange sensations after a stroke. These sensations may be multifactorial and include damage to the sensory regions of the brain, stiff joints, or a disabled limb. Pain is often described as a mixture of sensations, including heat and cold, burning, tingling, numbness, sharp stabbing and underlying aching pain. 

Hijama Cupping can help get rid of these health issues, associated with stroke, Insha Allah.

Hijama Nation would advise the following important hijama points for stroke affected clients. All medical conditions should be considered and eliminated!

Hijama Nation would advise Kahil cleanse and hijama on top of the head. (If client can take it) Apart from this head and neck cleanse, spinal cleanse and leg and foot cleanse can be extremely beneficial for treating a client who is affected by stroke.

Detailed Hijama Treatment plans should be designed by a CHP, according to the strength and medical condition of the client. 

Hijama Nation’s approach is Holistic. So special emphasis should be given to diet, positive lifestyle changes should be introduced and regular ruqyah should be performed along with Hijama Cupping sessions.

Hijama cupping is proven to have positive outcomes for clients who have suffered a stroke. Cupping therapy stimulates the organs directly under the site being cupped. It serves to regulate the function of organs by assisting in the elimination of waste products. 

Cupping relieves brain swelling post-stroke by supplying the area with circulating blood that in turn relieves congestion and stagnation. 

Cupping is also said to release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. These endorphins are released in response to the tight vacuum action of the cups on the skin or the superficial incisions created in blood cupping (or wet cupping).

Similarly moving cupping has manifold benefits. It can relieve a client of pain, numbness, swelling and help to increase movement.

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Email us at: info@hijamanation.com    

Message or Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7838 614062.

Adeela Aaiesha (CHP)

Hijama Coach.

4 Responses

    1. Assalamualaikum,
      Hijama Nation is an Online Teaching and Training Academy based in the UK.
      Our Level 5 Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy is a professional course and recognised by most countries of the world.
      To book a FREE Zoom interview call with one of our staff to discuss your enrolment, packages, bonusses and your fee, use the link given below;

      Thanks and wassalam,
      Sr Adeela Aaiesha. CHP
      HN Team.

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