
Visit us on our “hijama nation” facebook page.
The Prophet (PBUH) explained that Hijama is one of the best medicines: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is Hijama, or it is one of the best of your medicines,” or “The best treatment you can use is Hijama.” (Reference: Al Bukhari, 5371)

12 Responses

  1. Assalamu alaikum,
    I am looking for a female practitioner to do Hijama clinic at my natural health centre.
    I would appreciate it if you know any one who I could contact.
    Wa salaam

    1. Aslamulaikum.
      Alhumdulillah, I can recommend a very good female Hijama Practitioner from East London. I have forwarded both you and her the relevant information. Please check your website email inbox for the details. Thankyou for your interest.
      I liked your website! Wishing you the best,
      Hijama Nation

    2. Asalam Alaikoum
      I am a hijama therapist for women, i am looking for a clinic where I can work.
      I have experience of more than three yrs
      please let me know if you still looking for a female practitioner? and where are u based.
      Asalam Alaikoum

      1. Aslamulaykum. Thank you for your comment. we are currently based in USA. We do not have a clinic here, so we cannot help you. Sorry! We do not know of any in the UK that are hiring presently.
        We will let you know if we hear of any positions.

  2. Assalaammu’alaikum,
    I am also looking for a female Hijama practitioner. I actually live in Scotland, but I don’t mind travel down to London to get treatment (I am planning to go to London at the end of this month, inshaAllah). Or, if you know a female Hijama practitioner in Scotland, that would be helpful as well.
    I would be grateful if you could please email me contact details.
    Jazakallah khayr & wassalaam.

    1. Aslamulaikum Sister,
      Yes,we do know several sisters in London, but none in Scotland. I will check with them first and then give you their contact info. A few have clinics, but others work from home.
      Please keep checking the website for updates. I will email you in the next few days, inshallah.
      JAK for your interest.
      Hijama Nation.

  3. saalam, i am looking for a female hijama practitiner in East or central London please. Much obliged. Jazakillah khair. wa saalam x

    1. Salaam. Yes, I do know a few. I will check with them first and then send you their contact details via email. Some have clinics, some are mobile and others only work from home. I will let you know in a few days inshallah. Please check the webiste for updates; https://www.hijamanation.com. JAK.

  4. As salaam aleikum
    I am also looking for a female hijama practitiner but around NYC or surrounding areas. I don’t mind to travel to NJ or CT. if you do know any, please let me know.jazak Allah khayr in any case.

    1. Aslamulaikum. Thankyou for your interest. Unfortunately, I do not know anyone in the NY or NJ area. Further, I am unable to currently treat patients due to CT regulations regarding hijama wet cupping. Only licensed MD and acupuncturists are allowed to practice it here. Therefore, HIJAMA NATIONS is focussing attention upon training people rather than treating at the moment.
      We have developed an online Hijama course with practical training. This is designed for US/Canadian students who have medical or healthcare backgrounds. Also, international sudents can register and train depending upon the laws in their country.
      Our aim is;
      1. To educate Muslims about this forgotten sunnah and revive Hijama.
      2. To enable Muslims to learn and practice it on themselves, family, friends and professionally if they want to.
      We want to create as many Hijama Practitioners as possible so that all Muslims have easy access to a practitioner in their local region.
      If you are interested in training with us, or you know any other Muslims who want to learn about it, please sign up with us.
      Please make duah for our Hijama project. We hope that the Dept of Health will approve this practice on religious grounds very soon, inshallah.
      Hijama Nation Team

  5. Assalamu Alaikum,I am very interested in Hijama, and I and my team do Hijama on 17 19 and21 of Muslim calendar. I will be very great full if u send me some help and support through email.I am from Karachi Pakistan and we are doing Hijama at our madrassa.

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