
Alhumdulillah, as you know, we have been working very hard to both revive and establish the Sunnah of Hijama Therapy globally. We are striving to educate the Ummah about Hijama, and train and certify Hijama Practitioners in all countries, inshaa Allah. In many countries, Hijama is not a recognised Therapy and so, it has been difficult for Practitioners to practice without certification or Licensure. 
We have been working very hard towards having Hijama firmly established in the UK now. We are an Association now and became members of the General regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies (GRCCT). They work with the Federal Regulatory Council (FRC) which is the part of the UK Government. Alhumdulillah, they designated us to be the Lead Advisors of Holistic Hijama in the UK! We were also able to have Hijama Cupping Therapy recognised as a discipline in its own right  and as a Core Therapy Qualification. Alhumdulillah, we now offer a Level 5 online Hijama Course which is an Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy (Dip.HCT). Our certified graduates are also able to become members of the GRCCT and be on the UK National register. Due to this amazing success, we are now planning to go global!
hijama cupping in usa
Recently, we have been researching and establishing hijama cupping in USA and Canada, and Alhumdulillah, we have some good news for you!
Our Hijama Training Institute has become the first ever approved Hijama College in USA under the Pastoral Medical Association (PMA). This means that our graduates can obtain a license to practice Hijama Cupping Therapy in USA under Religious Therapy. So we have moved one step closer to having Hijama recognized in the USA, as Hijama Practitioners can practice freely under Religious Rights with our Certification and PMA licensure.

So what does this mean for you?
If you live in the USA, and would like to receive Hijama treatment, you can now find a fully qualified, registered and licensed Hijama Practitioner on the HNA Register or PMA Directory.
And if you are already practicing Hijama Therapist or would like to practice Hijama openly and be able to set up your clinic, you can look into our Online Accredited Higher Diploma Hijama Course. You can become a Certified Hijama Practitioner, get PMA licensure, and practice Hijama in the U.S, insha Allah.
Our next stops are Canada, Australia, South Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, inshaa Allah! Please make dual for us in our endeavor and watch this space! We will keep you posted. We need your support and look forward to working with you in the future, Ameen.
Muddassar Raja

10 Responses

  1. Assalamualaikum
    What is the basic qualification required to pursue Hijama course?
    Thank you

    1. Assalamualaikum,
      Hijama Nation offers level 5 Accredited Higher Diploma In Hijama Cupping Therapy. Our certification is recognised and accepted in most of the countries. We have hundreds of students, graduates and practitioners throughout the world, alhamdulillah.
      Our courses are online and flexible.
      To enrol in our Level 5 Higher Diploma In Hijama Cupping Therapy, click on the link given below:


      To have a look at other courses that we offer, click here:


      Or for more info write to us at:


      Adeela Aaiesha. CHP
      Hijama Coach.

  2. Asalamualaikum,

    I live in US and am interested in getting license in Hijama…how do I get started…


    1. Assalamualaikum,

      Hijama Nation is an Online Teaching and Training Academy based in the UK.

      All our courses are online so you can enrol from any part of the world.
      All PDF and video modules/lectures are on students portal.
      Practical training is done online via Skype or Zoom.
      Students upload Exams via their dashboard.

      There are 3 different packages that we offer for our Level 5 Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy. It’s a professional course so you can start your working as a Certified Hijama Practitioner.

      Book a FREE Zoom call with the admissions team for further info:
      (Course fee depends on your affordability and the mode of delivery that you would choose.)


      HN Team.

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