
Hijama Cupping Therapy is the cure to all diseases:

Therefore, with Allah’s SWT permission and the right combination of treatment, diet, exercise and eeman, anyone can heal from their sickness. Regarding Epilepsey, it is a neurological condition where electrical signals to the brain are interrupted and sporadic and cause various types of seizures;
An epileptic seizure, occasionally referred to as a fit, is defined as a transient symptom of “abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain”.The outward effect can be as dramatic as a wild thrashing movement (tonic-clonic seizure) or as mild as a brief loss of awareness. It can manifest as an alteration in mental state, tonic or clonic movements, convulsions, and various other psychic symptoms (such as déjà vu or jamais vu). Sometimes it is not accompanied by convulsions but a full body “slump”, where the person simply will lose control of their body and slump to the ground. The medical syndrome of recurrent, unprovoked seizures is termed epilepsy, but seizures can occur in people who do not have epilepsy. (Source: www.Wikipedia.com)
Major Types of Epilepsy

Types of Epilepsy Generalized Epilepsy Partial Epilepsy
Idiopathic (genetic causes) – Childhood absence epilepsy
– Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
– Epilepsy with grand-mal seizures on awakening Others
– Benign focal epilepsy of childhood
Symptomatic (cause unknown) or cryptogenic (cause unknown) – West syndrome
– Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
– Others
– Temporal lobe epilepsy
– Frontal lobe epilepsy Others

Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy In idiopathic generalized epilepsy, there is often, but not always, a family history of epilepsy. Idiopathic generalized epilepsy tends to appear during childhood or adolescence, although it may not be diagnosed until adulthood. In this type of epilepsy, no nervous system (brain or spinal cord) abnormalities other than the seizures have been identified as of yet. The brain is structurally normal on a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. People with idiopathic generalized epilepsy have normal intelligence and the results of the neurological exam and MRI are usually normal. The results of the electroencephalogram (EEG — a test which measures electrical impulses in the brain) may show epileptic discharges affecting the entire brain (so called generalized discharges). The types of seizures affecting patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy may include:

Idiopathic generalized epilepsy is usually treated with medications. Some forms of this condition that may be outgrown, as is the case with childhood absence epilepsy and a large number of patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Idiopathic Partial Epilepsy Idiopathic partial epilepsy begins in childhood and may have a family history. Also known as benign focal epilepsy of childhood (BFEC), this is considered one of the mildest types of epilepsy. It is almost always outgrown by puberty and is never diagnosed in adults. Seizures tend to occur during sleep and are most often simple partial motor seizures that involve the face and secondarily generalized (grand mal) seizures. This type of epilepsy is usually diagnosed with an EEG.
Symptomatic Generalized Epilepsy Symptomatic generalized epilepsy is caused by widespread brain damage. Injury during birth is the most common cause of symptomatic generalized epilepsy. In addition to seizures, these patients often have other neurological problems, such as mental retardation or cerebral palsy. Specific, inherited brain diseases, such as adrenoleukodystrophy (ADL) or brain infections (such as meningitis and encephalitis) can also cause symptomatic generalized epilepsy. When the cause of symptomatic general epilepsy cannot be identified, the disorder may be referred to as cryptogenic epilepsy. These epilepsies include different subtypes — the most commonly known type is the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
Symptomatic Partial Epilepsy Symptomatic partial (or focal) epilepsy is the most common type of epilepsy that begins in adulthood, but it does occur frequently in children. This type of epilepsy is caused by a localized abnormality of the brain, which can result from strokes, tumors, trauma, congenital (present at birth) brain abnormality, scarring or “sclerosis” of brain tissue, cysts, or infections. Sometimes these brain abnormalities can be seen on MRI scans, but often they cannot be identified, despite repeated attempts, because they are microscopic.
This type of epilepsy may be successfully treated with surgery that is aimed to remove the abnormal brain area without compromising the function of the rest of the brain. Epilepsy surgery is very successful in a large number of epilepsy patients who failed multiple anticonvulsant medications (at least two or three drugs) and who have identifiable lesions. These patients undergo a presurgical comprehensive epilepsy evaluation in dedicated and specialized epilepsy centers.
(Source: www.webmd.com)
Hijama Cupping Therapy will help as it regulates bloodflow and oxygen to the brain and body. It unblocks stagnant blood and energy allows it to circulate around all the blood vessels and nerves in the spine and head. The dry cupping relaxes back muscles, and thus, the spine and neck. Therefore, it reduces blockages for neurotransmitters moving around the brain, spine and body. The Hijama will reduce and eventually stop seizures and memory loss too, as it helps so much healthy blood and oxygen reach the brain. It will unblock energy pathways/meridians in the body, strengthen muscles and improve general health and well being.
The Hijama Points on the body to administer wet cupping are: (many of these are Sunnah points where Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to have Hijama done).

It is generally understood according to Prophetic Medicine, that Grand-mal seizures are caused by hormonal and biological issues. But smaller, partial seizures are caused by stress, metaphysical and spiritual issues. Western Doctors do not always know how to diagnose sicknesses or offer cures. Like all sickness, it is a blessing and test from Allah. Alhumdulillah, Epileptics in particular are known to have a special place in Jannah designated for them, according to various Hadiths;
Ata Bin Rabah reported that Ibn Abbas told him; “Do you want to see a woman from the People of Jannah?” He said “Yes”. He said:
“It is this Black woman. She came to the Prophet SAW saying; “I have (epileptic) seizures, and I get exposed, so supplicate to Allah SWT for me”.
He said: “If you wish to be patient, and you will be granted Jannah; or if you wish, I will ask Allah to cure you”.
She replied; “I will be patient! But my body gets exposed (because of falling), so supplicate to Allah that I do not get exposed” and He did.”
Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others.
There are various other duahs that should be recited over the epileptic person if the are having a seizure or are unconscious. Ruqyah can also be done on them following this process; Make sure you are in wudhu and place your right hand on the epileptic persons head or any area of pain. Recite the following surahs and ayats and blow over them;

Otherwise, the person should be steadfast with Salaat and practice  as much Quran recitation and zhikr as possible when they are conscious and healthy.

22 Responses

  1. Thank you for giving this valuable information about Hijaama. I am a Hijaama Therapist and I shall be obliged to you if you could send me all the Hijaama points for every disease. Jazakallah

    1. Aslamulaikum. We do not presently have a list of Hijama points printed up yet. However, we are currently in the process of developing an online Hijama Practitioner Certification Course, which will include all the Hijama points, baisc acupuncture points, Islamic medicine and lots of information about Hijamaology. We will be launching it soon and intend to get the course accredited in USA and UK, inshallah. Please continue to check the website in the near future to get updates about this training. As you are already a Hijama Therapist, we can send you the Hijama Points when they are ready and in print. Please email us your email address or sign up with our website, so we can keep you posted.
      Thankyou for your interest. Jazakallah Khair.

  2. I have epilepsy after a brain injury and a stroke. The entire left side of my brain is scar tissue with brain damage in the speech center. In addition, I have a movement disorder and have myocolonic seizures. I have been told the seizures are deep in the brain and can only be treated with medication. They have me on 2000 MG of kepra and Ropinirole and muscle relaxers, I cannot tolerate all this medication plus the others I must take for other issues. Will these treatments help me and get me off some of these medications? And, is there anyplace near me that provides these services? Thank you.

    1. Hi.Hijama can certainly help with your conditions. We have several stroke patients successfully, and seizures have also been reduced and well controlled with Hijama.
      We advise you to try the treatment. But we do NOT advise you to reduce or stop your medications until you have spoken to your Neurologist Consultant. You should have cupping therapy in conjunction with you medications, until you find that your seizures and other negative symptoms and side effects have reduced considerably, over a period of a few months.
      You will also need to have a throrough medical consultation before hijama treatment commences. Our clinic is based in Walthamstow, London, UK: http://www.The Healthworks.co.uk. You can ring 020-503-7794 to book an appointment with Muddassar Raja.
      Where are you based?
      If you have further questions, please email us directly at info@HijamaNation.com. We can discuss your case in more detail privately.
      Thanks and Best wishes to you.

  3. Hi,
    I have a son who is 9 years old & suffering from
    Epilepsy since he was 4 months old. He is at
    The moment on Keppra & Trileptal.
    Can hijama help him & how, how do I do it?
    I live in Saudi Arabia, recently moved here from
    Dubai & lived in UK before that!

  4. Salam
    I am 40 years old,I have epilepsy since I was a few months old,will Hijamah Cupping help in treating the epilepsy and are there any side effects?

  5. I have a 18 month old baby boy and he gets seizures back to back I have lost all hope not knowing what to do anymore from doctors and and my ancestral remedies.my friend has told me about this Islamic cure.I am. Not a Muslim but I am desperate to try what ever it takes to cure my son it kills me inside to see him go though it so please tell me more about this cure and how can I use it on my son Jr. thank you and may god bless you.

    1. Salaam,
      Hijama can help with epilepsy and seizure disorders. The best treatment plan is to have hijama performed on the head.
      We can refer you to Hijama Practitioners but we need to know your location.
      Please email us directly at: info@HijamaNation.com and we will send you a directory.
      Best wishes and thanks.

  6. I have 7yrs old daughter she is suffering from epilepsy since she was 2yrs old . We had gone to many treatments like allopathic ,ayurvedic but she gets stroke every month . So now some of my house member suggested me of homeopathic treatment so we just taught of taking her to homopethic doctor but before I went there I heard In some lecture about hijama . So I just went through this on net for getting information about hijama. Can u just clear my doubts is it be helpful for my daughter to cure her epilepsy as I want her to live normal life like her other sisters .If it would help her please suggest me some good hijama center in mumbai .Jazakallahukher may allah reward u and cure everyone (AMEEN?

    1. Asslaamoalaykum,
      Hijama will help insha Allah. Also look for a good Rukyah therapist to perform Rukyah on her insha Allah. You cannot loose hope and you have to keep trying and make dua to Allah. When Allah wills, she will get healthy insha Allah. But you cannot give in, especially in Hijama and Ruqyah, make sure you get regular treatments till her condition improves insha Allah. Keep us posted.

  7. Assalamu-Alaikum,
    We are visiting India at the moment and my wife had sudden epileptic seizures. I called the doctor at the hotel and they admitted her to the hospital. I believe the drugs they will give her will not really cure epilepsy and but just suppress the symptoms. I believe Hijama is the only cure as it was recommended by RasullAllah Salallahu alahi wasalam.
    Please can you recommend Hijama practitioner in Ahmedabad, India or in Dubai. Thanks

  8. my son 17 yrs developed epilepsy suddenly got 2 attacks of fitand faiting in gap of 1 month and after eeg it showed some irregularity in it .we did ijama and the doc said at least 2 more time also started some hamdard medicines should we start allopathy or wait as i know that once we start we cant taper of easily

    1. Assalamualaikum,
      Hijama is a sunnah and Allah swt has put shifa in it.
      Epilepsy and sudden fainting can be treated with hijama cupping Insha Allah.
      All medical conditions should be considered and eliminated.
      Metaphysical issues should be addressed as well as any sickness can be caused by that too in some cases.
      Hijama Nation deals with each client Holistically so we take into account both physical and metaphysical issues.
      To find a HN Practitioner near you click on the link below:
      Sr Adeela Aaiesha. CHP
      Hijama Coach.

  9. Assalam alaekum, I have a 15years old daughter that been suffering from seizures from 3 months old she has been on medication since then (sodium valproate), later diagnosed to be a generalized seizure and she keeps on failing and her medication was changed to Tegretol 800mg twice daily but no significant changes. We are now in the UK, pls where can we get the hijamaah done for her? hope to hear from you soon.thanks

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