
The following is a Case Study from a Hijama Nation Certified Graduate. Her patient is a  46 year old female with Hypertension. She has been suffering from hypertension since the age of 21 and has been taking medication throughout most of her life. Until recently her blood pressure had become very high, this and her medication were making her sicker. When she is very anxious her Blood Pressure raises. The patients’ blood pressure, specifically the systolic pressure ranged from 190-220 and diastolic pressure ranging from 110-120. Before Hijama her Blood Pressure was 110/120 but since Hijama treatment it was 140/90. 
She also had severe lower back and shoulder pain. She complained of a stiffness in her thighs and described the pain as heavy and sharp. She also had frequent headaches.
hijama high blood pressure

Lifestyle/diet before Hijama

The patient’s diet mainly consisted of traditional Asian spicy food. She did not drink enough water. She drank tea two to three times a day and did not eat fruit regularly. Also, her salt and sugar was quite high. She did moderate exercise and tried to go for walks.

Treatment plan

She had a number of Hijama session and was advised to increase water intake, to cut down on salt, reduce salt and to use olive oil in cooking. Eat Sunnah foods, like barley porridge and to also drink fresh juices and to also begin more exercise. She was encouraged to recite Ruqya (Surahs from the Quran).

Below is a summary of how she felt throughout six Hijama sessions.

Session One

Feedback after session: Before her first Hijama session, her Blood Pressure reading: 215 over 113. After Hijama her Blood Pressure reading: 175 over 90.
One week after Hijama Blood Pressure reading: 153 over 89.
Patient reported to be feeling much better and lightness in the body, she also said the severity of the headaches had reduced significantly. Her shoulders felt less tense.  

Session Two

Feedback after session: Patient reported saying that she had not felt any pain in thighs after Hijama cupping. The pain returned on some days but before the pain was constant.  The back pain had gone too but if she stood for a prolonged period of time the pain returned.

Session Three

Feedback after session: Patient reported to have felt clearer vision and her energy levels felt boosted because before her body felt heavy which made it difficult to keep active. Tension in the shoulders had gone. The pain in her head had reduced and she only occasionally had headaches as before it was much more often. Her blood pressure reading after the session was 140 over 87.

Session Four

Feedback after session:  Patient felt a huge improvement in her general well-being.

Session Five

Feedback after session: The severe pain in her thighs had gone. She reported she did not get headaches often. She said her blood pressure lowered significantly. She could feel the difference.

Session Six

Feedback after session: Before having Hijama her Blood Pressure reading was 153 over 110. After Hijama it was 140 over 90. By the end of the week it had reduced further. The Patient was relaxed and felt positive and happy with the results which is great because before she would be very anxious which would trigger higher blood pressure levels.

Overall, as each session progressed the patient felt an improvement in her health and a reduction in her levels of pain and discomfort. We can see that by the fifth session, her headaches, the tension in her shoulders, the severe back pain, the stiffness pain in her thighs and heaviness within the body had minimised. Now that she has positive changes in her general wellbeing and a boost of energy she can now be more active. Insha Allah this will continue to give her a more positive attitude. Her blood pressure had reduced significantly and she is very happy with this progress and will continue with Hijama therapy in the future.
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