
Hijama“Alhumdullilah I have been given another great opportunity to share with my brothers and sisters the remarkable effects Hijama has had on me. As I previously stated before, I have already had my first session of Hijama at a Clinic in East London, and I have been so greatly touched upon by it, both mentally and physically.
Since then, I have had two other sessions and I would like to share with you on how beneficial this whole experience has been for me and how I have been healed from it.
In my second session, the practitioner concentrated on the upper femur area, where the abscesses were most active. The end result of this session was to focus on drawing all the trapped toxins and using the wet cups directly onto my abscesses. I was extremely nervous this time around as I was in a lot of pain initially, but lying there listening to the soothing sounds of the Quran being recited relaxed me. The session was a complete success alhumdulillah, as I felt no pain and the little distress that I did feel was from the stinging sensation from the cuts made during the wet cupping session. I still feel no pain and my abscesses have diminished, which is a complete miracle of Allah, as even the antibiotics could not do this. I have now, Alhumdulillah come off my antibiotics and little use is being made of my painkillers. Once the session was completed, Alhumdullilah I could not feel any pain from the abscesses. The only slight twinge I felt was from the scratches. Throughout the whole day I felt revived and relaxed and the healing process was immense. The use of black seed oil helped with the healing and within a week I had no scars and the abscesses had vanished. Alahumdulillah I could not be more pleased even if I tried. The pain has completely vanished and I feel as if I have never suffered from skin abscesses, which is something I have not felt for over five years. My third session will focus upon the chest area and also the underarms, where the major skin abscesses have become dormant, but the pain and a few minor abscesses are still evident. The goals of each session have always predominantly been to tackle the core problematic areas, especially the upper femur and the chest areas, where the infection was apparent. One session at a time, the aim has been to undertake these area’s in depth. The most important goal has been to get myself off the antibiotics and to restore my body back to health and ultimately get my life back. I now, no longer feel trapped and helpless, but more comfortable within my own skin. The goals that both me and the practitioner have set out have so far been reachable. This difficult journey has been worth it and I thank Allah everyday, because without his guidance I would never have known about Hijama and would never have been cured by this beautiful remedy.
The Western Doctors just kept plying me with antibiotics and even resorted to surgery. The surgery was a last measure and I was promised that the skin abscesses would not reappear again. But a year later the abscesses reappear and I am left with extensive scarring and no sensation in my underarm whatsoever. To me, this was shoddy workmanship. They had a duty of care towards me and if these skin abscesses were not curable, then surgery should never have been an option. But Alahumdullilah, I take this as a learning curve, but also I am grateful to Allah, because without these experiences I would never have known about Hijama.
My perception on Western medicine has changed considerably, as I do not believe they work. In the last six years that I have been taking antibiotics, they have done more harm to my body than actually healed the problem. Many people may disagree with the following, but in my personal opinion Western doctors do not take the time out to get you know in person, and do not ask the appropriate questions, which could sometimes diagnose the underlying problem. To be told that there was no cure for my ailment, and that I will be taking antibiotics for the rest of my life was disheartening. I knew there was a cure for my abscesses and I thank Allah that I did not take the GP’s advice and pursued my own research into a cure”.
More to come in session 3…
To read session one, click here
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