
The following case study is from one of our HNA Students Br Suhayl Patel from Bolton UK. He is producing great results in his career as a Hijama Practitioner. His patient was a 44 year old Male with a number of health concerns. His main health concern were Fibromyalgia, constipation and headaches. To find out how Hijama gave him ease then read below…

Health History

His patient for many years felt fatigued and tired.  He had been referred to range of specialists for diagnosis. After several months he was diagnosed with having a condition called Fibromyalgia. 
islamic cure for fibromyalgia
The patient for a long time felt agonizing pain and felt like sleeping through-out the day and did not have the drive to do anything consequently affecting his want to socialize and general well-being. The patient had been on medication for this which made him feel worse so he discontinued them.

The patient also suffered from constipation and regular headaches.  He was encouraged to have Hijama treatment by members in the community so he agreed to have Hijama treatment.


The patient felt nervous before treatment but when Suhayl educated him on Hijama and its procedure he was happy to proceed. A treatment plan was created for him; a number of Hijama sessions combined with lifestyle changes, dietary changes to include more Sunnah foods (foods that the Prophet PBUH ate and recommended). He was also encouraged to increase water intake, consume regular portion of meals rather than big portions which he usually had.


The results were substantial, he felt the Fibromyalgia symptoms had reduced by 50% for now which is a vast improvement considering before treatment the patient wanted to sleep through-out the day, had excruciating muscle ache and in general felt he had low energy. Since treatment he had become more social, begun going out for walks regularly and sleeping less during the daytime because before he would wish to stay in bed through-out the day. The patient also said the constant headaches had almost disappeared.  His constipation reduced as he was able to release his bowel regularly throughout the day.

The graph below displays the level of pain he felt over the course of treatment based on his health concerns: 10 being extremely painful, 1 being very low level of pain. (Note: these figures are based on one individual only)

The patient was surprised with the changes and positivism in his life now and is looking forward to future Hijama treatments. He has given his testimonial below.


“Alhumdulillah, all praises are due to Allah alone.  I am so happy and glad that I took this opportunity to have Hijama treatment done on myself.  Not only am I feeling like my old self but I am being told by everyone around me.  I am feeling emotional as well as I cannot forget at one point couple of months back I was feeling almost like I am housebound due to my illness.  I only want to concentrate on the positives as I don’t want to look back but only forward.  I am very thankful for being given the opportunity to have Hijama done, and through this testimonial being able to tell people that as my hijama practitioner kept on saying is to have faith in Allah.  Now I am telling everyone have faith, revive a Sunnah and have your first cupping done as soon as you can.  Jazakallah Khair for all your help, time and advice.  All the best to you for the future and May Allah make you succeed in all your lifelong ambitions. Ameen.”
If you have benefited from this article, please share it with friends, family or someone who can also benefit from it insh Allah.
To find out how you can become a HNA Certified Hijama Practitioner (CHP) from one of leading Hijama Training Centers and produce amazing results like above and help others have a fuller life then email [email protected]
To learn more about the why you should become a Hijama Practitioner, learn about Hijama, treatment plans, mindset, holistic remedies and how to study and qualify in the Islamic Healing Art of Hijama then there is an opportunity to see Br Muddassar Raja at a Live Seminar held in Hartford, CT on Saturday 30th January 2016 (Location to be confirmed), this is one one-off opportunity, to register Click Here!

6 Responses

  1. Selam aleykum
    Always eager to hear and learn about new case study, as we learn tremendously from them, MashaAllah …
    In this CS I don’t remember seeing what procedure was done, which points, how long, other then, Hijama therapy for six weeks.
    It would be much more case-study-like if we actually know the details.
    Jzak Allah hayr, for all you do…

    1. Asslaamoalaykum Sis. Amina,
      I agree with you. The detail case studies are only for our students, which will start doing as part of Hijama TV that we will be launching soon inshAllah. Hopefully you can be one of the students sharing the detailed case study with your fellow students inshAllah.

  2. As salamu alaikum wa barakatuhu, thank you so much for this article am interested in becoming a Hijama practioner but i dont live in US, i live in UK pl can you direct me to Mr Suhail Patel for treatment? Am having the same problem with this his patient. JazakAllahu Khair

  3. I’m 25 years old .. I’m suffering from fibromyalgia .. some facet joint arthropathy .. I’m looking forward to hijama .. i believe I’m gonna 100% okay by Hijama IN SHAA ALLAH Ameen

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