
Here is a case study from one of our Hijama Nation Students who helped treat a sister with Psoriasis and eczema. The patient had problems with itchy and flaky skin for about 5 years. It was really impacting her life. Overtime she had tried many creams, ointments and steroids which gave her short term relief and inevitably side effects. One thing common with people with skin conditions is a lack of confidence in every-day life. The patient was hesitant to have Hijama done at first. Unfortunately, in the past, she had a bad experience with Hijama which left her with deep scars.
At Hijama Nation we stress the importance of Patient Care and we teach our students the way to do Hijama so it causes minimal pain and to obtain best results. Hijama is designed to reduce toxic blood only, which is causing the sickness. We discourage deeper Hijama incisions because healthy blood will be released which is needed in the body.  
hij blood
After the Patients first treatment she happily said the Hijama did not hurt. The patient had Hijama done on and near the most painful areas and she felt the itchy sensation had reduced. The patient was encouraged to use natural substances and keep hydrated. She was also using a substance consisting of the Sunnah foods; Honey, Black seed and Olive Oil directly on the required areas.
black seed Olive oil

Over the duration of her treatments the condition of the skin improved and began looking healthy and the itching stopped. Also she felt her confidence grew as her skin condition was improving and she said her stress levels reduced Alhamdulillah.
To produce results like our graduates and to establish the Sunnah of Hijama or ask any questions, please email us: [email protected]
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2 Responses

  1. Aoa,
    My name is Tahir islam. I have been suffering from psoriasis for the last 17 years now I am 34 years of age. After doing my research I have decided to go for hajama at ur institution. Plz give me ur contact number so I will be in touch. Much thanks
    Tahir islam

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