

Role of Hijama Therapist
Role of Hijama Therapist

“A practitioner of any kind of bodywork should be responsible, caring, compassionate and professional. A Hijama Practitioner should also be spiritual and consider each patient as a unique individual with specific needs. An integrative approach should be taken with diagnosis and treatment plans as the main role of health care is to balance energy. The Practitioner will have a massive impact on the Patients life as they advise them of therapies and remedies. They should encourage the patient to make positive lifestyle changes and choices to improve mental and physical well-being. The role of the mind in terms of health is very important. Optimistic and positive thoughts are essential for health. Even smiling and laughter can alter a person’s mood and internal chemistry. The brain chemistry affects the Hypothalamus gland, which in turn triggers good changes in the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The signs of a healthy spirit are mental consciousness, normal vitality, natural facial expressions, ruddy complexion, brightness, glowing skin, lustrous hair, external strength. In contrast, illness is a system of diminished life force. Therefore, moderation is the key and this must be ingrained in to the patients’ psyche. Everything must be done in balance. Eating, drinking, sleeping, exercise etc must all be done within limits. Any excesses must be avoided in order to be balanced and stable. Contemplation, prayer and meditation will also have a positive effect on a person’s lifestyle and mindset. Regarding the treatment, the Practitioner should make the patient feel as comfortable as possible and inform them of the whole procedure ahead of time”…
Unit 4-Best Practices, Hijama Nation Certification Course: www.HijamaCertification.com

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