
Interview With American Muslim Today Magazine.

Assalaamualaykum, Great news! We were recently invited to have an interview with American Muslim Today; a US based online news magazine. Alhumdulillah, it’s an honour to be recognized by international organizations. With12 years of experience, knowledge and leadership in the field of holistic therapies, Prophetic medicine, online learning and female empowerment, we are considered the world […]

Meet Our HNA Students!

HIJAMA NATION Students share their experiences with us about why they decided to become a Hijama Practitioner and why they chose Hijama Nation. They also tell us about studying the HNA Accredited Higher Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy. To enrol on the course, click here.   This is Sr Arshiya from East London. She is […]

How Hijama can help lose weight

Do you struggle to lose weight? The following is a case study from one of our recent Graduates; Dr Asma from Lahore, Pakistan. Her patient; NM is a 20 years old female who suffers from obesity and painful menstruation. NM weighs 174 lbs and a height of 5 ft 2”, with a of  BMI 31 […]

Medical Benefits of Islamic Fasting!

Assalamualaikum, Here is a short presentation by one of our students, Dr. Asma, about the medical benefits of Islamic Fasting. This presentation will help you understand how every thing Allah asks us to do, there is a huge benefit in it. I hope you benefitted from this presentation. Please share it with your friends and […]

Something special coming your way…

We have something very very special coming very soon… Alhumdulillah, Ramadhan is approaching fast and as a gift. We are giving all our viewers, subscribers, students and graduates an awesome SURPRISE GIFT….can you guess what it could be? (Clue: It’s going to be fun, beneficial and inspiring for you)   Please click on the link below […]