
Hajj and Hijama

Asslaamoalaykum, It has been over a month since the end of Ramadan and gears are shifting towards Hajj (Holy Pilgrimage to Makkah), Alhumdulillah. There is only about month remaining to Zil Hajj. I am sure all of the brothers and sisters who are traveling to perform Hajj this year, are getting ready for their travels […]

Hijama Training Institute-CMA registered & approved.

Hijama Nation is now a proud member of the Complementary Medical Association (CMA). Our  Hijama Training Institute and Hijama Practitioner Course is registered and approved by them. We are also certified and  insured. We are dedicated to educating and training practitioners and patients about Hijama Cupping Therapy. We have 100% faith and conviction in this ancient remedy and […]