
This is an amazing testimonial given by a Patient, given in her own words. She  had Hijama Therapy for several issues. It was submitted by one of our graduates in South London, UK.
I have been doing cupping therapy with Atifa since September 2014. I had two earlier attempts at doing the full course of treatments and other things in my life got in the way and so I never reached the end of it . In September I started again and this is the testimonial of how I felt before, during and after my treatment.
I went to see Atifa as I was feeling physically, mentally and emotionally blocked and couldn’t understand why. My thinking processes were unclear, I felt overweight, unhappy and in constant pain all over the place for no apparent reason, feeling heavy and tired all of the time and having suffered two years of constant urine and kidney infections which the doctors tried to treat with various antibiotics including nitrofurantoin. I was allergic to all the medication and so left in a space of suffering every two months with a repeated infection.
When Atifa started the treatments, I immediately started to feel differently. I became more aware of what was going on inside my body, where the pain was coming from. She found I had issues with my liver, my kidneys and all my lymph glands were blocked causing a build up of toxins across my back and neck which was swollen.
After each treatment I started to feel better. Lighter and more peaceful and contented. My thinking, which mostly revolved around feeling worried and afraid for no apparent reason, getting panicky and feeling severe anxiety, improved and I started to feel more relaxed and peaceful as my body started to clear and relax itself.
The effects I had after the treatments were feeling dizzy, extremely tired so I had to go to bed afterwards and as the treatments progressed I felt tireder and spent my weekends drinking lots of water and resting and recovering as the cupping was painful and tiring. At the worst point during the cupping, it felt like my back was burning and I carried on with Atifas kindness, support and encouragement because it was working not only on my kidneys and liver but also on other things from my past.
A decade ago I had been given medication for tiredness and insomnia. This included Escitalopram, lofepramine, olanzapine and zopiclone as well as other medications I cannot remember the name of. As the toxins were removed from my body, my memories of this part of my life became more and more vivid and finally started to leave me. The side effects of the medications I had experienced at the time I was on them was self harm by cutting myself with knives and suicide attempts.
During the treatments, all of the thoughts and experiences I had been through came back through my memory causing severe emotional pain and distress. It was only through Atifas constant explanations of how the cupping therapy and massage process worked that I stayed because I felt that each time I went, she clearly explained everything that was going on so that I was aware of it and understood it. Her talking to me was a major part of the therapy and kept me going back as I was experiencing significant improvements. Without these explanations I do not think I would have had the courage to continue.

My kidneys stopped hurting for the first time in years, the swelling on my back went away, and as my body unblocked I became happier and more able to think clearly. I got my smile back! I felt happy inside for the first time in years. And finally recently my weight finally started to drop. I had given up with that ever happening. My energy went up and I started to enjoy my life again being more creative as an artist as my imagination returned. The feelings of anxiety and fear started to subside and my confidence and mental clarity grew.
When I started the treatments, I was too afraid to have wet cupping but now, seeing and feeling the improvements, and with Atifas kindness and care I know I am ready for that too. I cannot stress enough the importance of the trusting and confidential relationship Atifa provided for me so that I felt safe to talk about and share the darkest parts of my past as they came up and were finally released through the cupping and massage after over ten years of struggle.
The side effects I have experienced with the treatments are nausea, dizziness, exhaustion, triggering of memories which came back as if everything was happening in the present moment all over again, confusion, anxiety and agitation. Mood swings, anger, withdrawal from life and wanting to be left alone. All of these were severe at times and sometimes slight. It was the support I received from Atifa and my family and friends that kept me going back as I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and her reassurance that I was doing so well and that my new life could begin once the final part of the treatment was over. It was very tempting to isolate myself during this period of time. Instead I carried on working, praying, reading dua and Quran, and maintained normal life as much as possible which kept me feeling positive and supported within a close network of people who cared about me so that I could keep moving forward.
I now feel as if I have been given a second chance at life and the chance to be happy internally, something which I have been striving towards for the past ten or so years. I am successful as an artist and teacher and I am the mother of four children. I had been totally stuck as to the direction I was going in my life until I started the cupping treatments. My weight is finally coming off, which is the icing on the cake as it means I can bend down and do my shoes up which I struggled to do before. I can sit on the floor without any pain and I am more flexible, relaxed and peaceful inside. Once the treatment is finished I am looking forward to going back to running which I used to enjoy so much and I am looking ahead to good things in my life instead of feeling stuck in the past. I now feel as if everything that was blocking me has been emptied out and I am being patient with myself as I make the transition into a new way of being, adjusting to the feeling of being healthy and free.
As a client I would strongly recommend that all beauty therapists around the world should complete the Hijama course, to help their clients emotionally, physically and spiritually as Atifa helped me”.
Fatima, age 47, London, England.
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