
One of our Graduates; Doctor Zafir from Trinidad and Tobago presented this case study to us as part of his coursework. The Patient suffered from high blood pressure and some other minor conditions. After just one Hijama session, he had immediate and effective results.
“K.A, 59 yr old Muslim male salesman is hypertensive and asthmatic on inhalers and on oral antihypertensive medication. He also complains of lower back pain since childhood.His blood pressure prior to starting was 146/94 mmHg. 
Hijama Session 1 (The exact treatment plan is available to our enrolled students only at www.HijamaCertification.com)
Review: Felt relaxed. Felt a sharp improvement in distant vision (which was sustained for 2 weeks after Hijama)
Result: The patient noticed significant clearer vision and a drop in blood pressure immediately after just 1 session of Hijama by 3mmHg. After the Hijama session, his BP was 143/92mmHg.
Future Treatment Plan: Increase water intake. Decrease salt content and Follow up Hijama Session”.
If you suffer from similar problems, please do try out Hijama  Cupping Therapy. It really will change your life forever with positive and quantitate results.
And if you are looking to become a practitioner to accomplish similar results, serve the community and to revive a forgotten sunnah, you can take advantage of the 35% discount on our Level 5 – Online Hijama Diploma Course.
35% Discount ends this Sunday, 18th January!
Please leave your feedback in the comment section below.

2 Responses

  1. I am from Trinidad. I am actually interested in this course, however i am seeing that this is a 2015 article… can u advise me about courses i can take in hijama please. Jazak Allah.

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