

Are you losing your grip?

Do you feel pain and numbness in your arms?

Have you injured yourself?

Do you think it’s a vascular arterial pressure you are suffering from?

Can there be blockage in your arteries?

Do you think you have an acid build up in the joints?

All these cab be symptoms of Vascular diseases. 

Vascular Disease is any condition that affects the network of your blood vessels.

This network is known as your vascular or circulatory system. Vessels aid move blood from one part of the body to another.

Lymph vessels and lymph nodes are part of a separate cleaning system that rids your body of damaged cells.  A Vascular disease can mean your tissues aren’t getting enough blood, a condition called ischemia, as well as other serious, even life-threatening, problems.

One of our student contacted us regarding his son, who loves sports but for sometime has been suffering from pain and lost of grip while playing.

His test became negative Alhamdulillah but the child still felt numbness and was unable to play with his team…this made him extremely sad and parents got quite worried as his symptoms didn’t disappear.

They decided to try Hijama cupping therapy for him and consulted a Certified Hijama Practitioner.

Complete medical history was taken before designing the treatment plan.



1st Session:

Hijama moving cupping was performed on the affected arm and shoulder area, with half a suction as the child is a minor.

The very first hijama session relieved the child from his pain. It dropped from 9 to 6 Alamdulillah.

2nd Session:

The second session consisted of dry, fixed, cluster and moving cupping. It was a successful session by the grace of Allah Almighty.

Pain level further dropped from 6 to 4.

3rd Session:

As the pain had not completely disappeared and the child complained of not having a stronger grip so a wet cupping session was performed with the permission of the parents. As the client was a minor, CHP was extra careful.

Session started with moving and dry and cupping. Hijama was performed on the shoulder and arm. (3 wet cupping points only)

Pain level, numbness and grip improved amazingly.

4th Session:

Hijama was performed on the shoulder and arm of the child again. Hijama wet cupping was performed on the following points.

The child got relieved of all the pain, numbness and gained a stronger grip Alhamdulillah.

The child and his parents were amazed by the results they received with Hijama.

The child was able to join his team again and started playing without any complications.

The parents said: “Hijama is a miraculous Sunnah.”

For the wet session smaller cups, lesser suction and fewer incisions were made. But the feedback of the client was amazing. According to the child the pain had completely vanished.

Finally within a month, he was able to be in the ground again with his team. Parents got very emotional to see their child back in form!

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Adeela Aaiesha (CHP)

Hijama Coach.